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[Portfolio] Scott Jones Game artist

polycounter lvl 13
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ScottJ polycounter lvl 13
well after some consideration and even more urgent need of a job than before I decided to follow advice and use a pre-made website with slight changes, while it was not as fun as making my own from scratched I just dont have the luxury atm.


I am after feedback on site and content also places in the UK anyone know is currently hiring.



  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Scott:

    - Some of your images are stretched, which is most noticeable on the Ork. You have to sort of conform to the image sizes on the site or it will stretch them. You could get the area it gives you and create pictures tailored to the site for the best results.

    - Personally I think you ought to drop the ork altogether from the site.

    - Something about the pure black window things bothers me on your Space Station, as well as the black screen thing futher down the page. I'd wait for more feedback then possibly change these.

    - Your About section needs some spellchecking and grammar. (polly and "honours. as part")

    Apart from these things I can't really give you much else in terms of crits, so keep working on your art so you can eventually replace the uni work with new stuff. As for jobs check forums such as this and sites such as gamedevmap, otherwise google is your best friend.
  • ScottJ
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    ScottJ polycounter lvl 13
    honours is spelt correctly, its the way we british spell it, might be different for US

    thanks for the polly one though, missed that.

    I also thought about dropping the Ork (as its not an environment) however there is a big market for hand held (iOS etc) and it also show that I am willing to learn and go further than my comfort zone. (also I like it and while might not be THE best model ever I think for the limitations it came out well)

    Edit* also I noticed the stretching, I can change the resolution it shows on the page easily enough however I tried to keep a unified size over the pages.

    Edit2* just resized the images on the page so they have the correct ratio, for people who did not see it before the images where stretched to be the same size as the other images on the other pages.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Naw for the honours bit I meant you have a fullstop and then a lower case a in "as".
  • ScottJ
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    ScottJ polycounter lvl 13
    ahh sorry, M$ word keeps throwing that one up as wrong :S
  • ScottJ
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    ScottJ polycounter lvl 13
    thanks for the feedback, do you not think its worth using it for both? the website is intended for any potential employer to find out about myself, and I thought the point of a cover letter was to specifically aim for a certain job, where if they need a specific skill you can say you have it etc, not just a cover letter that covers all jobs.

    can understand that having it twice may be a problem, giving them something they already know , just thought the cover letter was more specific.
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