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Max 2012 ugh.

[Deleted User]
polycounter lvl 9
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[Deleted User] polycounter lvl 9
so my school computers just switched over to max 2012.

i thought it would be awesome, little did i know the trouble i would have with some features i was so used to using.

a) In the uv editor when i unfold map it doesnt stitch all the chunks together like it used to. you have to manually select each edge and weld!
anyway to have it unfold and have them stiched?

b) Another uv editor problem. in max 2011 i was able to change between channels freely and save and load uv sets. like if i wanted to copy a uv set for a light map or something of that nature. now i get this annoying window asking if i wanna move or abandom the uv sets.

i just wanna copy one uv set to another. is that so much to ask?

any tips or solutions are greatly appreciated


  • Xoliul
    Offline / Send Message
    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    so my school computers just switched over to max 2012.

    i thought it would be awesome, little did i know the trouble i would have with some features i was so used to using.

    a) In the uv editor when i unfold map it doesnt stitch all the chunks together like it used to. you have to manually select each edge and weld!
    anyway to have it unfold and have them stiched?

    b) Another uv editor problem. in max 2011 i was able to change between channels freely and save and load uv sets. like if i wanted to copy a uv set for a light map or something of that nature. now i get this annoying window asking if i wanna move or abandom the uv sets.

    i just wanna copy one uv set to another. is that so much to ask?

    any tips or solutions are greatly appreciated

    A: This is a terrible bug that annoys the hell out of me... I've not found a way around.

    B: This is actually better, though it's not obvious what it does on first sight. Basically, it doesn't insta-discard changes when you switch between channels. So you can transfer sets between channels by just moving UV's. Abandon is the old behavior, except I think it clears the changes you did in the previous channels you're moving away from.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    a: do it properly with seams and quick peel
    b: it's better
  • WarrenM
    A: I found something yesterday ... if you do a flat mapping first and then do an unfold, it seems to stitch things correctly. Might have been a fluke but it seemed to be working.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    that will weld all the seams for you

    when you say unfold do you really mean relax ? cos that has never had any effect on seams

    or do you mean something else entirely? (eg pelt/ peel / something else? )
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    He meant the unfold unwrap method, if you modelled out a scroll for example you could hit Unfold and you got an unwrap as if you unfolded the scroll.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    We've been using multiple Unwrap modifiers set to different channels to avoid the Transfer/Abandon dialog.
  • Sean VanGorder
    monster wrote: »
    We've been using multiple Unwrap modifiers set to different channels to avoid the Transfer/Abandon dialog.

    So simple, but just blew my mind.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 9
    thanks everyone for the replies!

    @WarrenMarshall ill be trying that tonight
    @monster yeah i finally found that out last night
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