Hi guys! My name is Ricardo and i´m from Brazil.
I will post a environment and development produced by me, called "Tech Undercity 2", to studying 3D and Level design.
I used UDK about 2 years, and it is a great engine.
With this work i intend to learn more things of UDK. I hope to use the directx11 but i don't know if my pc will survive. LOL
Others softwares used:
I'm not worrying about polycount.
I intend to end this environment on end of january or beginning of february.
Well I hope you like, suggestions, opinions, tips and tricks are welcome.
Obs: Sorry my poor english and long post.
Tech Undercity 2
Video WIP in UDK: [ame="
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bU_ltP17Mo&context=C39d48f5ADOEgsToPDskIDHRkNuCun6a2szFnSBM-L"]Tech Undercity 2_making02 - YouTube[/ame]
Tech Undercity 2 is a city habited by few humans that survived the devastation of the Earth's surface. After the 3rd world war, the planet surface was destroied by fire and bombs, but some people, preventing all that destruction, started to serach for places where it was possible to live. The place found was locates inside under water caves, they were like big bubbles of air that would allow them to live. That bubbles were divided only for the rich people that could lead the place, and the rest peoples. The citys were named as Tech Undercity that could have the number 1 to 6 that indicates that cave.
The enviroments show a obscure alley, of a futurist undecity, but not so much futurist, that's dominated by an oppressive and tyrannical government. That government made the people turn, living as marginals. An environment dominated by technology and fire arms.
Realism of the environment and lighting. The lighting of environment would have to be all artificial.
Movies - Blade Runner, AI, Tron, The Fifith Element, 1984(movie and book)
Games - Shadowrun, Samaritan
HQ - Akira, Captain America Reborn, V of Vendetta
It needs more atmospheric lighting to make it more moody.
Try getting a low-intensity DominantDirectionalLight in there.
You should also think about your general colour scheme with lighting too, as currently, there are too many things going on with the neons. As a general rule, try to stick to roughly two or three light colours for your entire level. However, if you are going for the Blade Runner feel, then you'll probably want to be using four.
In this Blade Runner concept, you can clearly see the colour palette that the artist has chosen:
Greens and Yellows for the foreground, and contrasting this Blues-violets and Red/Orange for the background.
Taking a look at the complimentary colours here:
You see that the foreground is made up of colours close to each other on the wheel (yellows and greens). Take a look at the opposite side of the wheel and you'll notice blue-violet and red-orange. This creates contrast and keeps the scene interesting to the eye as the colours are opposite.
If the whole scene was merely Yellow and Green, then there would be no contrast and the eye wouldn't focus on anything in particular. Throwing in too many colours will have the opposite effect and confuse the eye as it darts over the image.
With this in mind, try a blue-violet hue for your DominantDirectionalLight to give your city an overall single colour. Then try adding points of interest (such as your neon lights) in orange and yellow-greens to bounce some more colour around the foreground.
I hope that helps set you on the right path with regards to lighting
SirCalalot, thanks for tips.
I used this idea, i like the new visual, but i don't know with this is correct.
new video:
Well i have a serious problem with my note, environment its really dark but in others pc's or notes the ilumination is good ¬¬
new video
i hope yours like it.
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK8rL01QPl8&feature=youtu.be
Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/36215920
Thanks for all suggestions.