Hello Polycount community,
I am reworking the ingame interface of my roguelike game and need some ideas for it. Currently I am designing the bottom "menu bar" as some kind of belt where a beeper shows game messages and the belt buckle contains some game information (health, stamina and if the player is standing, crouching or going prone). But I am not happy with it, so I thought you guys and girls might have some ideas or advices on how I could design this interface.
I applied a mosaic filter to the game view to lead the eye to the interface on the bottom (to avoid distractions). If you think that this is a bad idea I can redo that (or you can look to the
corresponding game thread on Pixeljoint.com). The image itself is work in progress:

Things I would like to integrate into the interface:
- an inventory button --> maybe as some kind of backpack
- a health bar and a stamina bar
- a window to display game messages
- a button to display the character stats (skills, attributes, etc. [maybe also quests]) --> maybe indicated as a notepad
- a button that changes (and displays) the player's posture
I highly appreciate any tips, comments and ideas.
EDIT: The game setting is based on the contemporary.