1: Wind's right, but he'll just run soon as we step out of these trees. 2: Trick to it. Walk out on this side of your horse
1: What if he sees our feet? 2: Elk don't know how many feet a horse has!
"I, Hatchet Jack, being of sound mind and broken legs, do leaveth my rifle to the next thing who finds it, Lord hope he be a white man. It is a good rifle, and kilt the bear that kilt me. Anyway, I am dead. Sincerley, Hatchet Jack."
nope.. not butch cassidy, that is one awesome movie tho.
Another tip.. it is a western.
and. another quote.
1:Ain't that Hatchet Jack's rifle?
2: Yep. Found him froze to a tree. 1: Damn! He was a wild one, old Hatchet Jack. He was livin' two year in a cave up on the Musselshell with a female panther. She never did get used to him
" Hawk. Goin' for the Musselshell. Take me a week's ridin', and he'll be there in... hell, he's there already."
"I, Hatchet Jack, being of sound mind and broken legs, do leaveth my rifle to the next thing who finds it, Lord hope he be a white man. It is a good rifle, and kilt the bear that kilt me. Anyway, I am dead. Sincerley, Hatchet Jack."
Robert Redford is in it.
1: You've come far pilgrim.
2: Feels like far.
1: Were it worth the trouble?
2: What trouble?
Another tip.. it is a western.
and. another quote.
1:Ain't that Hatchet Jack's rifle?
2: Yep. Found him froze to a tree.
1: Damn! He was a wild one, old Hatchet Jack. He was livin' two year in a cave up on the Musselshell with a female panther. She never did get used to him
This should give it away. :P
this is an awesome movie..easily in my top 10
It is definitely a must watch if you guys haven't This movie was great. I didn't think this quote would take this long to guess... anyways.
So now what? low odor do you post the next thread?
a clip of the movie.