Hey everyone. I've used Maya since 2005 or so. I started with 5.0 and have used 6.0, 7.0, 8.5, 2008, 2009, 2012. All 64bit. The ONLY version that didn't crash constantly was 2008. Ive used it primarily for that reason, and now I am behind on the tech. I just started using 2012 student edition....its so buggy. My UV Editor window won't open, The Work Area View Port is laggy (ex. I'll move a vert, and I have to rotate the camera slightly to see the result), and crashes multiple times per day.
Does anyone have any similar experiences?
But, for me, 2009 was the least buggy.
2012 i have no problems it rarely...Crashes and some windows are still slow loading up
Im using a 2-3 year old Dual core Vaio
I hate that. Blender does it too. Drives me nuts. Whats wrong with a program opening properly maximised!!
2012 has been the most stable for me of the recent releases. 2010 and 2011 being worse.
also post up your pc specs. i know they've changed the interface since 2010 so maybe thats causing a slowdown for you
If 2008 is the "stable one", maybe I'll try to dig up a demo and see if that wants to work for me.
Most issues I've had with Maya though, usually resolved with rolling back a video card driver update
Generally see it when you try to undo an operation, that is the biggest one. Like undo an edge loop, merge, boolean, extrude, bridge. You know, basic modeling tasks >:/
Yeah face cuts and the interactive poly split tool. Its a shame. Can't stay in 2008, because the world moves forward. Its like if someone still used CS3.
Keep in mind that extra plugins/scripts/whatever could make the 3d program in question pretty unstable as well. We had some annoying problems with 3ds max at the last game studio I worked at mainly because of extra in-house tools.
If you're suffering from a laggy viewport you should take a look at this thread, it might help;
when u get use to snapping the end on a vertice or edge. And when u get use to hitting enter to complete ( having the line still attached to the cursor threw me off at first ). Then I can not imagine going back to the old split.
For some reason I haven't tried the snap hotkeys while splitting. Does X (snap to grid work too)? This could allow you to keep "contrain to edges" unchecked always.
No, x grid snap does not work for me with the new split tool? I suppose the grid as a snapping template might be useful for working to scale.
I think the best solution for a predictable split tool behavior is to just crank up the magnet:
Edge Snapping> snap magnets to 10.
I do not know why the Edge Snapping magnets preference has a default setting of 1? Because the magnet does not effect cursor position until you actually click...
Its not as if the a high magnet setting restricts placement. ( just makes the tool behave predictable without requiring you to use a snapping hot key! )
Can't seem to find another tool that might be hurt with a high snap magnet setting either?
On the other hand, if you can not change the setting ( someone else's machine without yer own preferences? )
And are stuck working with the default snap magnet preference...
Make sure yer cursor is as close as possible to an edge or vertex component and the snapping behavior will never fail to behave predictably. ( even if it slows u down :poly141: )
Try and confirm this whenever the split tool seems to be behaving unpredictable...
by undo-ing the last failed point with the delete key and making sure that the cursor is reasonably close to an edge or vertex before using the c or v snap hotkey.
Within the tools steps... the resulting vertices are colored ( Green if successfully snapped on a vertex. Red if successfully snapped on an edge. Blue if the vertex is placed on a face ) Learning to expect the correct color will quickly make it easy to catch/correct a failed snap. Which in turn will help you to quickly condition yourself to place your snaps close to an edge/vert. Which in turn has led to stable a stable/effective split tool! ( for myself at least ).
The c or v work interchangeably! As does which component you click close to to assure snapping. ( in other words, It does not matter if you click the cursor down on an edge or a vert. Either will still allow you to successfully complete the snap on any edge or vert connected to that components neighbors )
changing window sizes doesn't change anything
oh, and the only time i get consistent crashes is if i use the bevel tool, so i've gotten into the habit of saving before i ever use it.
if to shells get too close together it will snap the one of moving back to it;s original position.
never found out why this happens, but if i just do a simple scale on the UV and undo it, i can overlap uv;s fine