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[MAXSCRIPT] Great script with some flaws

Enter this
poly = selection[1]
dicke = 0.5
for i=1 to poly.numfaces collect 
	vv = polyop.getfaceverts poly i
	hair = splineShape ()
	addnewspline hair
	addknot hair 1 #corner #line (polyop.getVert $ vv[1])
	addknot hair 1 #corner #line (polyop.getVert $ vv[2])
	addknot hair 1 #corner #line (polyop.getVert $ vv[3])	
	close hair 1
	updateShape hair
	hair.name = "triangle " + i as string
	addModifier hair(extrude amount:dicke segs:1)
select a poly object with a few faces and run the script. It will create a shell made of triangles around your object. Tested with 3dsmax7.

Issue is though, that there are

a) always some triangles missing
b) always different triangles missing

Why is that?


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