Hey guys,
Been lingering in this forum for a while and am inspired by many of the sketchbooks and users' willingness to help, so I figured this is a good place to get help with my art.
So here we go....

Please critic my art and offer me some advice. Really trying to improve. Thanks

Keep learning about lighting and pushing it!
http://itchstudios.com/psg/ lots of useful information here,
Andrew Loomis is a great reference for anatomy! but remember to pay attention to what your studying why do you need to study this image? and do your own work for every study to keep testing what you have learn't!
Best of luck,
Yeah, I felt like I learnt alot with that last study compared to just linework.
Lighting is one of my many weaknesses, I'll try and tackle it.
Thanks for the link, bookmarked and will look over that site.
Thanks, have heard of him.
Thanks again
update with wireframe and roof
and another update this time with a bridge and torches