Been working on as simple and clean of a portfolio as possible(based on Dan!'s template) and would appreciate some feedback.
Do you think the pictures should be bigger? Should I add explanatory text for each asset? Should I devide each asset more into segments or is the "wall of pictures" working for you? Is anything else bugging you?
The only thing that bothers me, it took about 6 seconds to load because you have high rez images that are scaled down, you may want to resize them in photoshop, compress and upload, and have them link to the full sized. (File > Save for web & devices in photoshop can save you ~10% on the file size of a png, I don't know if you did that already)
-make all images the same width
-horizontally center the content
This'll make it look much cleaner and neater.
Snader: Thanks for the input. I might just have to go for centered alignment and be a bit more bossy about the ratio of the images.