Hi everyone. I've just finished a first draft of my current portfolio, nearing the end of my degree. I thought I'd post it up here to get some critiques on the layout and functionality of my site and of course the content. Some of you may of seen some of my pieces on here in the past.
Here's my site:
2 of my pieces are currently rendered pieces and 2 of them are presented in Marmoset. But i plan on getting the rendered pieces into UDK as soon as possible. I am part of a rendered film project at the moment but prefer to create in-engine works.
Thanks alot to anyone to views and comments.

I just had a quick look at your resume and i belive that stating your age is only hurting you as people generally tend to judge by age.
I'm 21 and i feel that if you actually want to know, I'm fine with it. But other then that i don't really tell people that how old I'm. I mean in my resume and cover letter ofc
Your work looks solid
Thanks again
One thing I noticed (has to do with your site and not the content) you need to change your website title (I think that's what it's called) because when I opened it on a new tab with firefox I see the title in the tab to be "Home Page Version 2"
Good work though, keep it up!
Anyway, I like your site layout, simple but effective/professional. Your modelling seems nice, I agree you need a bigger environment. It also seems a bit weird that your two scenes that feature monuments buried in sand are separated out the way they are. Overall you just need more content.
Also, I don't really think your logo fits with either the rest of the site, or the nature of your work. I would change it.. but you should wait for some other people to weigh in on that.
I'm also not fond of you using images for paragraphs of text, the fonts you chose (don't need as many and they kinda clash) nor the header image thing.
Layout is pretty good though.