I just got my first invitation to do an art test. The company does primarily low poly phone games and the test is for environment artist. I have mostly worked on characters in the past but I'm up for the challenge.
I want this to look nice so I'm going to offer it up here to try and get some good tips on how to really move this thing forward.
Here are the specs:
Max: 4k triangles, 512x512 texture map
Here is where I'm at:
3800 triangles, about 1/3 of my texture map left.
The company wants this in .max and I don't own 3d Max.
Should I:
A. tell them the tools I use are not important - I'll give them a mesh in whatever file format they like.
B. download a student version of 3d Max and pretend I know how to use it.
textures are pretty rough atm - The shader is a splat map shader written for iphone and it supports 2 UV's so I have my diffuse on one UV and a lightmap on the other.
The character is a cameo role being played by a portfolio piece from last year.
By the way, I love the way that's looking so far.
Why haven't you already mentioned that you do not know Max?
I'd get the trial or educational/unemployed license they have and import the files into 3ds Max and deliver it that way, though.
Also, are you supposed to be sharing the art test? Most art tests are not supposed to be shared in this fashion.
I'm not really sure where you're using all your triangles, it seems a bit simpler than 4k tris.
It looks nice so far, but it's very monochromatic.
I use to make a lot of models for people and give them the file in there native format
They eventually started assuming i used max because i imported/Exported from max and i never got to partake in certain projects because i wasn't a max user
edit: sorry this post has nothing to do with your art test
I did not even know that was possible.
*edit* just read my response again and I sound like a douche gettin all high and mighty with my alternative software. I need to use/learn Max.
I updated the webplayer - so any last comments before I submit this thing are appreciated. I still have a few hours to change things up.
environment is 3609 triangles with a 512x512 diffuse and light map
Looks pretty good!
Maybe some invisible walls on the outer edges to stop the player falling off into the abyss?
Other than that, it looks fantastic! The lighting looks spectacular, and the style is solid; I think overall, it's a fantastic art test.