Hey !
New project for this new year

I decided to work on a futuristic building with clean texture
Heres where Im at for the moment :

I blocked out some ideas as well :

This needs some paintover.
The shader used for this building is pretty simple (I can post it in details if you want). But basically, what it does is :
Common things like specular/emissive/specular power/reflection multipliers, switches to add : decals / details normal map (you can see it on the concrete part on the first image) and values to tint the overall diffuse and an other one to tint the decals.
I wanted the decals to be added directly in the material and not on top of the mesh with the decal actor in the UDK.
Quick overview of it :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28RWm4WwWjw&list=UUvUmQ_0zyedQFrwlvvHAgRw&index=1&feature=plcp"]Shader - YouTube[/ame]
A flat to let you see what I need to make it works :

Top left : diffuse (need to do it white to be able to tint it)
Top right : Guess what

Bottom left : R = Reflction - G = Emissive - B = Spec Power
Bottom right : R = Specular - G = Decals - B = Diffuse tinting mask
I also used the parallax feature to simulate depth inside the building :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCEqVg8GFY4&list=UUvUmQ_0zyedQFrwlvvHAgRw&index=2&feature=plcp"]Parallax - YouTube[/ame]
There is just some modeling to make the effect even more believable (and to have something interesting when looking from a corner) but its really simple modeling.

See ya on the next update

Though so far it really reminds me Thiagos' project:
Could be a conscious choice, but just in case.
Since it is slick and clean, i think it would be interesting to concentrate on bold colors and bright lighting, sort of like mirrors edge. And maybe more aggressive and sharp shapes in some places, 'cause I don't remember that kind of shapes, lighting and design being used together much.
Anyway it's your call and look very interesting so far.
Btw, didn't really get where how you're using the texture from the 'insides' shot.
Thanks for sharing your process and maps descriptions! :thumbup:
Thanks for the comms !
@passerby : Yeah, Im using the second UV channel for the decals. Im using the third UV channel if I want a lightmap for the asset.
@d1ver : Yup, Minotaur0 is in my ref folder for this project. Same goes for Gray shuko (awesome artist I worked with (these footbridges are really inspired by his work)), Autodestruct and Peris. And of course, a lot of architecture photographs
For the color, yes, I want to stick to bold colors + Black and white (+ some dark/light grey at some places). As for the lighting, Im using 2 directionnal lights right now (gonna tweak that a little in the futur), but yeah, bright lighting is what I want. By the way, maybe I gonna make a night version lighting as well.
As for the aggressive and sharp shapes, I tried that, and Im not really convinced. For example, I tried this kinda shape for the bottom part :
But I think there is too much contrast between the top and the bottom.
Finally, for the interior texture, youre totally right I forgot to mention that its an other 256² texture
@coots7 : Thanks !
@Razorb : Stop saying that; its making me blush
@alloa : Marchi bien msieur
@IxenonI : Thanks !
@sltrOlsson : Thanks; and here is the update
So, I was playing around with the mid and bottom part, (because what I had before wasnt really what I wanted) and I ended with this :
Maybe there will be some change but not that much I think.
As you can see, I gonna use a lot of glass for the bottom (so Ill have to do the interior as well).
Because the bottom part will be really simple in term of shape/details, I wanted the top part (starting from the second terrace) to be richer in details, as you can see on the screens below :
I have to add AO meshes at the base of the guardrails plugs (Ill update this screen tonight
Glass shader is WIP
3 more (2 of them are parts that are behind the building, so, not visible on the previous screens)
At first, I wasnt planning to detail the footbridges but I think it adds a lot to be able to walk on them, it gives a new perspective of the building.
Next part Ill do, will be the terrace with the props + doors for the footbridge. See ya for the next update
great work man
I look forward to more
Some minor critique:
I'm not a huge fan of the over-sized silver safety-rail looking thing you have going around the top. Combined with the super thick cables I think it's hurting the sense of scale.
You also may want to reconsider the size/angle of your solar panels so that they are actually visible from the lower levels. At the moment they're kind of lost from any view except aerial.
@dii : Yeah youre right about this safety rail, it was a little too thick (same goes for the cylinder with the fence and ladder). I made it thinner, and it also goes less high (now, the second rail (the higher one) is approximatively as high as the character im using). So, its still big but it needs to be readable from the ground, and if you look on the screens where you can see the whole structure from the bottom, its not that much of a problem (an other problem if I made it like human size friendly, itll probably result in a bad aliasing).
As for the solar pannels, its just for logical reasons that I put them there and facing the sky. I probably gonna put some more on the terrace and on the floor. But because Ill get some aerial screenshots, these ones will stay there.
Heres the updated screenshot of the footbridge (AO meshes on the yellow guardrails plugs + some small decals). By the way, you can see on this screenshot that the size of the safety rail on the top of the building is thinner and less high than before
i iz ready. u may proceed
I was wondering how you did the shader for the faked parallax offices though. I'd love to see your nodes if you wouldn't mind. It's a really great effect.
do you bake most of your normals or use ndo etc?
where do you draw your inspiration from? i love the shapes and details in all your work.
@dpaynter26 : Thanks a lot !
To be honest, there’s nothing really special about the material. I’m just using specular, specular power and reflection for that. On top of that I’m just multiplying by a value to make it looks like I want in the engine.
If you’re interested I can post the flats and the master material of it
@Minos : Thanks a lot!
Means a lot from you because you’re a huge inspiration for this scene
@Lonewolf : Cheers !
@lewist : It depends, but sometimes yeah, it seems really easier but you can’t hide any problem behind dirt and stuff like that.
@toxic_h2o : Thanks!
@Norron : It’s really easy !
Here is the way I did it :
The value (-60) is the power of the effect.
You should use a param texture and a scalar param if you know you gonna use this shader for many different stuff.
@snow : I’m baking all the normal/AO. I really have to try NDo2 a little more. Seems a bit laggy on my laptop but even with this it could be faster than doing a Hi and baking on a plane.
The inspiration is coming from many different sources : As I said earlier, Minotaur0, Gray shuko, Autodestruct, Peris. And of course, a lot of architecture photographs.
@SirCalalot : Cheers!
Few updates on the building. My brother said to me that it could be cool to put this building in the ocean. I liked the idea so I started to work on the ocean shader. And here it goes :
The foam is painted via the Alpha vertex color. The flow is driven by red and green channel of the vertex color.
Sorry for the small size of the vid
May I ask, how did you arrange the shader? I imagine that is uses the R and G vertex colour on the mesh to dictate X and Y panning respectively, but I'm having trouble picturing it in my head.
Would you be able to post a screenshot of the material?
The scene is really coming together and there is nothing really to critique on as you seem to be on top of everything. The only point I might make is that I think the water colour is a little off - perhaps a deeper blue would work better against the structure as it currently looks a bit faded (for want of a better word).
@vahl : Thanks and youre totally right about the water color. I had some doubt about it, but, making it more green and a little more dark will help.
@SirCalalot :
No problem, heres the flow part of the shader :
For the flow part I have to thank phill johnson : http://phill.inksworth.com/tut.php.
I tweaked it a little bit for my need (replacing the maps by vertex color, deleted some nodes and tweaked the value of others) but with this tutorial youll understand clearly how the flow maps work.
The vertex color node is on the right of the screen (you cant see it
The other really important part to make it work (that you don't see here, silly me
Hope it helped (if not, tell me and I'll try to make it more clear)
As for the water color, yeah Ill change it, but not like on your last picture, it looks like a giant tarp
You're right about the water, I think that aqua, bluey-green colour would work best against the sky blue of the offices.
Thanks for all your knowledge dumps so far :P I will be using your thread as reference for a long time I'm sure.