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[3ds Max 2012] Snapping with axis constraints on subobjects

polycounter lvl 17
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Uly polycounter lvl 17
So in Max 2010 and earlier, there was a neat trick with the snapping tool. If you had a subobject selection, such as a group of vertexes, dragged using the gizmo on the the outermost vertex on a particular axis, and *then* turned your snapping tool on, you could snap the group of subobjects, locked on your selected axis to another snapping point of your choosing.

In Max 2011+ they've broken this. I miss this. Has anyone ever found a workaround through Max's built-in tools or 3rd party plug-ins?

thanks much for any help


  • Uly
    Offline / Send Message
    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    I should add, one little thing that helped facilitate that trick in 2010 and below, was that when your pivot was in 'Use Pivot Point Center' mode (the one that respects individual objects, and not the center of your selection) the gizmo/pivot would shift to whatever you had most recently moused over. Now, it seems it just finds the centerpoint of all your selected subobjects.
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