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Tower22 seeks 2D/3D Talent, part II

Hey there (again),

Like to spend some weekly hours on a horror game with balls?
Short and simple version; we're looking for help on our game project Tower22:
- Environment concept artist
- 3D modeler (Environments + assets)
- 2D texture artist (mainly for the environments)
- Later on an Animator & GUI Designer, though these positions aren't available yet
For more info about the positions, please read further down below, or visit this page:

Project background
Tower22 is a game project started by me about two years ago. End 2010, I asked around for help on this horror game. With success I might say. Thanks to the help of a few volunteers, we managed to create this:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7gK3AiBS7I"]Tower22 TechDemo 2011 HQ - YouTube[/ame]
All movies

I can't reveal much of the story and background, as it would spoil things, but this game puts you in the role of a caretaker of a massive Soviet-like skyscraper. Although the building seems normal at a first glance, you quickly discover something isn't right. The corridors show signs of life, litter, noises, yet it seems you're all alone. Not even your boss shows up. As you explore the building, you start learning more and more about the place. Are you really alone?

Well, for a better impression, please check this for an overview & story impressions:

Yet, the team is still too small to get this project done in a realistic timespan, so we need some extra horsepower. The goal of the demo movies is to ensemble a team big, skilled and motivated enough to make it all happen. So, that's why I ask here!

Project name: Tower 22 (codename)

Genre / type of game:
Horror survival. Gametype: Exploring, puzzling, heavily based on its story, and getting chased by bizarre creatures.

Type of work / payment:
So far this is a hobby project. So I'm sorry, no salary or rock solid guarantees on success. Then what can we offer?
- Demo movies / screenshots you can use on your own portfolio
- Working on a project with serious potential
- This project is already under development for some years, so you can expect your work can be used right away, instead we still have to program/think about the whole thing first.
- Learn from each other
- Hopefully a great time!

Time commitment:
Since it's an unpaid project so far, I can't demand all your precious free time. Nevertheless, I'm taking this project seriously. A lot needs to be done, so please only respond if you can deal with deadlines & work on a somewhat continuous basis. Reliability is a key factor for teamwork.

1.- Expand team
2.- Make another demo('s) to sharpen skills, and have something to show
3.- In the meanwhile, develop engine further & finalize game plans
4.- Start on the actual game
5.- When everything is up and running stable enough, eventually find investors...

The whole engine + tools is build in house. It works on OpenGL, Newton2 physics, FMOD sound, Cg Shaders, and Python script. Although it's not quite comparable to a commercial engine, it has most common (graphical) techniques you would expect from an engine. Still heavily under development.

Current team:
- Julio: 3D modeler / concept art
- Sergi: 3D modeler
- Robert: 3D character modeler / concept art
- David: Sound engineer
- Brian: Writer / website
- Rick = me: Programmer, game idea & project lead

Environment Concept Artist
* Mainly you'll be drawing environments varying from old flat corridors & apartments, to bizarre, dreamish/nightmarish spaces in the building.
* Able to make quick sketches to get the ideas rolling
* Able to draw photo realistic drawings suitable for posters or input for the 3D modelers.
* Affinity with (Soviet) architecture
* Affinity with horror

3D Environment Modeler / mapper
* Mainly you'll be modeling environments(maps) varying from old flat corridors & apartments, to bizarre dreamish/nightmarish spaces in the building.
* Able to make detailed, game suitable geometry
* Able to make additional objects (furniture, decorations, devices, et cetera)
* Being able to draw the required textures as well is a big plus
* Familiar with modern (shading) technologies

2D Texture artist
* Mainly you'll be drawing textures that are required for the environments. For example, wallpapers, concrete, tile floors. But also textures for objects, or effect textures (sprites, particles, skyboxes, et cetera).
* Knows how to make high resolution, photo realistic textures
* Knows how to make additional images such as normal/height/specularMaps
* Familiar with modern (shading) technologies

Contact & links
rick AT tower22game DOT com
If you reply, please send a portfolio (or link) with it so I we can check your work. Preferably, some images that have to do with the horror or (Soviet)architecture genre. Thank you!

Website (& screens):

Development blog (& more screens):
A healthy 2012 btw!
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