Most recent update:

A wild Squirtle appears!
I built this model for fun and I thought that I might as well do a quick texture for it. I guess I'm just going to hand-paint the diffuse without normal maps.
1,312 tris per Squirtle.

I plan on working in 1024x1024 and then scaling down to 512x512

Let me know if you can see anything to improve in the model before I get too deep into texturing. I'm not sure if the eye texture will look good behind the sunglasses.
When's it's done you should recreate this shot:
I managed to do some more texturing in the last couple of days, despite working lots of overtime this week. This has been going surprisingly quickly and easily, especially because I keep getting stuck on other projects.
I started out by painting in rough shapes with pen pressure set to opacity, then I smoothed out the flesh tones and tried to keep some roughness in the shell painting.
I've been meaning to model a squirtle for a long time. I always get caught up on the eyes of anime style creatures though. How'd you do yours? Are they a seperate decal or are have you painted them straight onto the texture sheet?
I think you could still pop out the forms more with a bit more painting but it's up to you. As an example, the shell on yours is pretty smooth round with flat plates, the one in Smash Bros has each part raised to a point like so:
Planning to make a pedestal or anything?
I'm wondering if it was necessary to actually model out the spiral at the end of his tail, though?
@SgtNast I'm not sure. I could build a base, pose and light them, but I don't know how much more time I want to spend on this project. I'm trying some stuff out as I learn Marmoset.
@Frump I'm considering adding another layer of AO/shadow and highlight in the painting. I'll give it a shot, but might leave it mostly as is. If I build a base, It will probably be a chunk of ground like in the picture SgtNasty posted.
@Nix It wasn't really necessary, but it adds a little depth and cost something like 30 tris. It wouldn't affect the model much if I removed it.
@nicafornica This was a funny comment but sorry, I will be retiring from Pokemon building for the foreseeable future. I've got 3 stylized, hand painted characters for my portfolio that I'm pretty happy with. My realistic human characters need more work.
@Cruckz Thanks!
go ahead and make those, i fuckin love it.
So well done! I love this so much!
Man this makes me want to finish the rest of my kanto team :<
@Anuxinamoon: You've got some cool pokemon models as well.
@Rednaz: I always read your comments in Charlie's voice because of the avatar.
You are my freaking hero! Samsquanch ain't got shit on the Trailer Park Squad! I love how you didn't even have to change the glasses for Bubbles, ah fuck, and he can use bubble beam. So much nerdgasm!
I might also try to vary the line value of his shell divisions. You're using the same color on the top most line as on the bottom ones, which makes it look less like lighting and more like paint or coloration.
Work in a darker shadow color on the blue, maybe even lower the value of the blue all together, use a darker color AND introduce a highlight color to really help sell the volumes.