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Car modeling help

polycounter lvl 14
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SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
Hey guys been modeling a Evo X rally car. I have not attempted modeling something like this and I usually stick to environments so this is a new process for me.

My current plan is to use the turbo smooth modifier to do the heavy work and then delete any unneeded loops/polygons. After that I will cut into the mesh and separate the panels and doors by using a chamfur and beveling in the edges. I have also tried working with just the auto smooth function enabled, but that proved disastrous.

What I am concerned about is that I might be setting myself up for future headaches later on. For example deleting those unneeded edge loops after the turbosmooth modifier. Does anyone got experience with these types of models and are willing to give some tips and shed light on the situation?



I have already tried multiple attempts and although I have gotten better results each time, the results are far from what I would like.




  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 12
    Hi, are u planing for game asset or just high end car model?
    for high end model deleting edges after turbosmooth will surely give u headaches,

    Time to give you my 8 commandmends :D

    1. Always use 3 points when making curves (low poly) Turbo smooth will subdivide it nicely.
    2. For best smooth result Turbosmooth should not go more than 2 iterations (u can go as much as u want) But the thing is that you evenly space out ur polys in such a way that with just 2 iterations your model look super detailed.
    3. Never rely on blueprints! eyeball the model and references are your friends.
    4.Break car in natural parts, Front/ Back bumper, Side fenders, Cahsis, Doors, Rear Fender, Roof etc.
    5. Bevel edges are your enemy unless its a design on body with sharp indents withou breaks in part. Never use bevel edges on separate parts like Front bumper/Hood etc, it will look unreal.
    6. Use Chamfer and select Open Edge option in chamfer dialog box to make your life easy, than Shift extrude 2 times (edges) inwards to create crease and depth to your planer sheet of metal (car). areas like Front bumper/Hood etc.
    7. Consider a perfect model if you manage to get 99% Quads on your car, Avoid ngons and tris at all cost, Dont trust people who say end result matter so tris and Ngons good, only if you are super pro and lot of top clients in ur CV. In reality if you just go after end result syndrome you will leave nightamre for Texture artists and animators (deformation). Your results might look good to naked eye but when it comes to higly reflective car paints you will see nasty dents/bumps on those areas. (Trust me on that :D)
    8. Less is more, avoid too dense mesh at first.


    Hope it helps :)
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for the input HAWK! Those tips and tutorials will surely help as I move along.

    As much as I would like to get a realistic render with vray I am going for game asset just for my portfolio's sake mabey I can get back to it at a later date. I will keep you posted on my progress.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    yeah I think your problem lies in trying to make everything into one mesh. Separate the parts and you'll end up with a cleaner object. Remember that with cars the edgeflow can go f*ck itself as long as it looks clean and smooth shaded :)
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    HAWK12HT wrote: »
    Don't trust people who say end result matter so tris and Ngons good, only if you are super pro and lot of top clients in ur CV. In reality if you just go after end result syndrome you will leave nightamre for Texture artists and animators (deformation). Your results might look good to naked eye but when it comes to higly reflective car paints you will see nasty dents/bumps on those areas. (Trust me on that :D)
    8. Less is more, avoid too dense mesh at first.

    Lol, are you making the next Pixar Cars movie? Does you car really need to animate? Triangles get sudivided into quads anyway, and in fact triangles and n-tons sometimes smooth better than quads. It's a really basic rule that you quickly learn when to break. Trying to keep things in all quads is like trying to keep things all in the same contiguous mesh, not always the best Idea. But I digress.
    HAWK12HT wrote: »
    end result syndrome

    Another Instant classic.



    All in good fun though. :-)
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Quads do matter a lot more for cars than they do for the average Hard surface object. Reflections bring out every single thing so much more.
    eg, for regular stuff like a gun, you can terminate unwanted lines into an N-Gon on a surface that is near flat, but forget it for a car, it's going to look bad.

    Snakedoctor, quick tips:

    Open the wheel arches, no point closing them. Model the actual wells behind them as a separate piece. Keep in mind: if it's separate in real life, model it separate in HP (so many people just miss this).
    Your flow is overall decent, but messy above the rear wheel.
    The technique you are following, for what i presume is a Mid-Poly mesh (50k+) is not easy. I'll go ahaead and say it's the hardest you can do really. I made heaps of real low-poly (sub 10k) and HP cars before I considered attemtping such a thing, and it's still a challenge at times, you really have to know what you are doing. My advice: practice some baking instead, make a simpler lowpoly and bake your HP onto that. Something like a 5-7k mesh. You''l have to deal with all the usual tangent space issues, so that will be a good learning experience.
  • Brendan
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    Brendan polycounter lvl 8
    Xoliul wrote: »
    Open the wheel arches, no point closing them. Model the actual wells behind them as a separate piece. Keep in mind: if it's separate in real life, model it separate in HP (so many people just miss this).


    I suggest the opposite. Keep all continuous surfaces and curves as a single, continuous piece. Otherwise you end up (always, inevitably) with reflections that don't line up at panel seams.

    The doors, for instance, have a nice long easy curve from just behind the front wheel to the rear wheelarch. Keep it all as one piece, with as few edge loops as possible.

    While you're working and you've got a smooth curve with a panel gap through it (doors, for example), just put an edge where the panel gap is. Later, on the highpoly, you can use that edge to create the actual gap.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 14
    Brendan wrote: »

    I suggest the opposite. Keep all continuous surfaces and curves as a single, continuous piece. Otherwise you end up (always, inevitably) with reflections that don't line up at panel seams.

    The doors, for instance, have a nice long easy curve from just behind the front wheel to the rear wheelarch. Keep it all as one piece, with as few edge loops as possible.

    While you're working and you've got a smooth curve with a panel gap through it (doors, for example), just put an edge where the panel gap is. Later, on the highpoly, you can use that edge to create the actual gap.

    Panel gaps are an ovious exception, I thought everyone knew that. Just wait as long as possible before you cut them in. I'm just talking about silly things like modeling the wheel wells attached to the body panels, or completely retarded, modeling things such as logo's and badges attached to the body (I have seen people do this).
  • Brendan
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    Brendan polycounter lvl 8
    Guess I took it a bit too literally there.
    I don't believe anybody would actually model the badge as part of a body panel though. I've seen some pretty bad 3d, but nothing like that.
  • mLichy
    4.Break car in natural parts, Front/ Back bumper, Side fenders, Cahsis, Doors, Rear Fender, Roof etc.

    Definitely don't model in 1 big piece like you have. It just makes it much more complicated and time consuming/hairy. You could model in 1 piece to get a rough shape in quickly, but even then, it's probably better to just rough in each piece then clean up and seam together.
  • AlecMoody
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    AlecMoody ngon master
    for a mid poly car model I would mostly skip turbosmooth and hand model everything. There might be specific times when it has utility but definitely don't rely on it to build your surfaces. A mid poly car mesh for games is only slightly more dense than a good sub-d control mesh. Also, if you use sub-d you are going to have to spend a really long time cleaning up all the extra loops your don't want/need and you will lose some control over the model.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 7
    AlecMoody wrote: »
    for a mid poly car model I would mostly skip turbosmooth and hand model everything. There might be specific times when it has utility but definitely don't rely on it to build your surfaces. A mid poly car mesh for games is only slightly more dense than a good sub-d control mesh. Also, if you use sub-d you are going to have to spend a really long time cleaning up all the extra loops your don't want/need and you will lose some control over the model.

    The guys at EA who modeled cars for Need for speed the run modeled them as mid-poly cars, and no normal maps (other than on the emblems and logos).

    Hawk actually linked it in the Sub-d Modeling thread here, asking for an explination: BEHIND THE SCENES>>

    then Pac explained how its done:
    Pac_187 wrote: »
    As stated in the article, it needs a lot of vert tweaking.
    Also the method they are using is fairly simple, smoothing groups with a lot of chamfering.
    They could also have used normal maps but I think since today's graphic cards can handle a million polygons easily, a far more highpoly vehicle does a better job.

    I'm not a expert at this, but that's what I think they are doing ;)

    Here's a litte exmaple I made using only one smoothing group.
    From a distance it looks highpoly right? :P

    ju620.jpg~200 polys

    It depends on your engine, but if you are using cars as the subject matter, consider spending the extra polygons.
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    I will be defiantly breaking up the parts and extruding in the wheel wells. The only reason I did it this way was because of what Brendan was saying about reflections.

    Im glad to know Xoliul that you think making a mid poly car is a real challenge, now I wont be so hard on myself. By the way I love your shader.

    Thanks for posting the demonstration Computron that's a really nice effect. I guess I was so used to using the turbosmooth modifier, I was using it to do all the work for me. I will defiantly go over that article in depth and apply my techniques to it.

    Ill post my next update here soon since there seems to be so many people who know about the subject. Thanks for all the help guys.
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 12
    glad it helped. Just dont astray from one approach at first, cause when u asked the question you seemed like want to model real high poly car (not for game) and now you are siding towards mid poly NFS style car.
    NOTE that is a different approach all together, the best method that I see for doing that is through Surface modifier on Spline cage as it allows me how many iteration i want on a surface without manually shift extruding edges and eyeballing the smoothness of surface to make the actual piece of a car.

    Neways some of my work to give you a better idea on commandmends :D



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