I got this idea not too long ago, after I finished Mass Effect 2. As you might have gathered from the title, she's a cyborg lass who wears power armour and fights with her fists:

Nothing says 'cyborg' like glowy eyes and tron lines everywhere, yeah?

She kinda co-opted the coat of one of her shipmates. It's easily removed so she can use the device that attaches her armour without any issues. Needless to say, he didn't really mind.

And her armour.
Aside from concept art, there's not much progress:

Any glaring issues?
Also, the model is subdivided. I'm a bit uncertain about it, though. What exactly do you
do with subdivision?
In addition to her head, as you see.
The final product should be kinda like:
A bit more with the face, and I think I'm about ready to move on:
And some questions:
About how large should the mouth sock thing be? Should I make a tongue in addition to her teeth?
You've seen all of the lines on her. Is there anything I could do to ensure that they don't get stretched open too much when she's animated?
Those questions are still open, by the way.
eat3d had a training dvd on hard surface work in zbrush, the guy makes something similar to your concept so perhaps you will find it useful
Aye, Chris, you're right. Shrunk 'em down a bit:
And then did a paintover of that image, because I felt like it:
(The normals on the navel and surrounding area are kinda wonky. I think I just need to smooth 'em out a bit)
The glowy blue things are nodes:
They interface directly with certain parts of her armor, and are used to attach powerups and stuffs.
Next up is the specular, which will probably give me the most trouble.