Hello, all.
Here is a concept I am working on at the moment, in between other things. Its only meant to be so detailed in order to get a general idea for creating the 3D, but any feedback would be great since Im not very experienced in drawing concepts and I want to get the best out of this design.
The idea is to create a character that morphs between these two designs for a project Im working on. Hes a kid, that upon eating jelly/jell-o becomes......Jell-ossus/Julk/J-Man...you get the idea.

I dig the subtle texture in your sculpt, is that from using the clay brush?
Thanks! Yeah, it is. Mainly just trying to build the shapes I want, so it should be a lot smoother in the end.
Really appreciate it
Ha, is it the chin?
Thanks, Jessica! (Loving the Villa environment art, by the way)
Whether I try using a Lerp or plugging it straight in, it still comes out like this. Any help with this would be great.
Here is my progress anyway. Hopefully I can get the gloss map working and then get some feedback, which would be gro0o0ovy.
The values aren't clamped so you need to set it pretty high(like 30), other wise you get the problem like you have now where it looks like it's reflecting something.
Model is looking great so far, keep at it.
So here is my progress and any criticisms are welcome. Some things I still need to do include tidying up the seams in ZBrush and adding all the parts into the specular and gloss maps. Parts like the goggles and teeth are largely untouched.
Still need to work on the textures more, so any critique or suggestions would be great. Apologies for the video play rate, my computer isn't great.
I have uploaded my package and level if anyone wants to take a look. If you play the level in the editor I have set 'E' to trigger the morph and 'Q' for a dodgy reverse morph. I am using the November 2011 build.
I want to try and get the mask I am using for the fresnel effect (red box) to be inverted to use for the opacity mask slot (blue box). I thought I would need a one minus node to invert the mask since it's the body that should be darker than the other parts.
I am using Opacity Mask Blend, which I am guessing is what I need. Can anyone help me with this?