Hey guys,
Curious to hear thoughts on this one.
Does anyone else find that, when working on a project (any project, could be art, music, design, whatever) that you think about it constantly, even when you aren't actually 'doing it'.
I've recently noticed that my mind starts up at 100mph as soon as I start formulating a project idea; immediately I'm thinking 'How am I going to texture this' 'How could I model that bit'... non-stop, feels like my head is gonna explode sometimes.
The interesting thing is, that those thoughts are often semi-useless when you're not actually at the computer or in front of your project, because in my case, I tend to think things through or say 'ok I'll do it like this', and then in practice it goes an entirely different way. Everything usually gets figured out, or I'll scrap an idea and come up with a better way.
I'd actually love to be able to just 'switch-off' or 'empty my mind' when I'm not actually working, but it's not easy.
Anyone else get this?
But they're most definitely not useless, you're processing information and sorting ideas and they'll stick with you even if it's subconciously. It's just your brains way of taking care of all this new stuff.
problem solved.
I sort of wrote it off as hippy-commie-bullshit till last year, when I sort of fell into it by accident. It's good stuff. Helps with stress outside of work, and helps you focus during work.
Yeah I'm keen to find out a bit more about meditation. I know it's probably beneficial to a degree that these thoughts exist and as you say Noodle, they're most prevalent during relaxing times, but they do help. Sometimes a few thoughts appear that might be 'lightbulb moments' every so often.
I've just got to the point a few times recently where I've physically gotten a headache from my mind racing non-stop and it's kinda made me want to look into methods of relaxing properly or meditating. And before anyone comes in and says alcohol or weed... I don't drink or do drugs (not that I have a problem with those who do, but it's just a personal choice).
"get some headspace" is the book i read about it and i would recommend it.
This happens to me all the time, although if I've had a bad day it will usually be my brain going into overdrive listing all the things I haven't done that day and all the projects I'm behind on :poly122:
It should be even easier to focus on something else like sports, meditation etc. it also gives you the chance to collect your ideas out of which some good ones can come.
this happens to me all the time, but if you stop real quick and listen and listen to the thoughts like passing cars, they become what they really are passing Uneasy thoughts, if you keep thinking about them then it becomes, you thinking about thoughts.
"if you spend your whole day thinking, you'll have nothing but thoughts to think about" -Alan Watts.
hope that helps man.
I completely agree that some thinking is beneficial, and as I said, some of the best ideas and 'breakthroughs' pop up when you're away from your desk and thinking, but it'd got to the point with me where I'd be just thinking about it non-stop and it felt kinda unhealthy.
So I'm gonna take a load of this advice and definitely take some time out, it's been a while since I've felt truly relaxed and I know for sure it'll be a refreshing feeling!
Nice tip on the notebook too, Emar.
Also, a magic hat bottle cap told me last night "the universe ends where that thought originated"
It works out for me.
Oh absolutely. Find myself modelling around a problem, or noting a detail I want to capture, in my head even when I'm not sitting, working on a piece. Drives me nuts. Don't have a solution I'm afraid. Wish I knew how to switch off, hopefully something in this thread helps.
We just told him the solution...
However, sometimes a refresh is good, I agree! I second the meditation and sports (well I don't do sports, in fact I fail miserably at them, but even 30 minutes of stretches and whatnot to get my blood pumping does it for me!!)
edit: second ravenslayer's yogging suggestion below, any kind of repetitive exercise that lasts 30+ mins is great for cleaning up your mind
If only twere that simple, and one thing worked for everybody! :poly122:
when ever i have extra money i love putting together track bikes, super easy and super rewarding and relaxing hobby. Bikes overall.