Hi. I am working to a scene and I need to apply the bloom effect to the lamps but I don't know how. Can anyone help? I tried to attach an image but i get an error
1) What engine are you using? UDK? Anything with a emissive map (or a spec map with a value higher than 1) normally glows provided you set up the Post Processing Volume to encompass the area you want the effect to happen.
2) Dropbox is awesome, its free and as easy as it gets. drop a file in the public folder, right click copy link, paste, post.
I am using UDK. I have an emissive map but no changes to the mesh/material, I changed the "Bloom scale" value but with no difference, maybe I done something wrong ... do you know any tutorial for this?
a texture map can olny provide vales between 0 and 1, so to push it over you multiply it by a constant above 1.
I have the color texture connected to the diffuse and the alpha channel, of it, to specular. Normal map texture to normal. And another texture ( black and yellow for the part that I whant to "shine") connected to the emissive.
You can't just plug in the emissive map there needs to be a value above 1 that tells it to glow. Just plugging in a material without some kind of value results in a value of 0 (or 1?) so no glowing.
Also make sure you have set up the post processing volume like I talked about earlier and make sure your camera is inside that volume otherwise you won't see the effects.
Plug a Multiply node into your Emissive, plug your texture into the A, and a constant with a value higher than 1 into B.
I personally like to use a Constant 3 so you can change the color.
also, if you wanted to be able to change the colour in game, you could save a greyscale images to just one channel, and multiply it by a constant 3 vecotr to add colour, than multiply that by a constant that is above 1 to add bloom and glow.
if you convert the constant 3 to a parameter, you can even change the colour during the maps run time with kismet or uscript.
and since it;s greascale it uses 1 channel and you can use the other channels for more emmsive maps for different sections, or for other maps all togheater.
2) Dropbox is awesome, its free and as easy as it gets. drop a file in the public folder, right click copy link, paste, post.
a texture map can olny provide vales between 0 and 1, so to push it over you multiply it by a constant above 1.
I have the color texture connected to the diffuse and the alpha channel, of it, to specular. Normal map texture to normal. And another texture ( black and yellow for the part that I whant to "shine") connected to the emissive.
also dont link photos to fb is just not classy :P
Also make sure you have set up the post processing volume like I talked about earlier and make sure your camera is inside that volume otherwise you won't see the effects.
Plug a Multiply node into your Emissive, plug your texture into the A, and a constant with a value higher than 1 into B.
I personally like to use a Constant 3 so you can change the color.
Something similar to this:
Thanks guys, I appreciate this
if you convert the constant 3 to a parameter, you can even change the colour during the maps run time with kismet or uscript.
and since it;s greascale it uses 1 channel and you can use the other channels for more emmsive maps for different sections, or for other maps all togheater.