Hi Polycount!
Since this my first post on this forum, i shall introduce myself!
I'm a 2nd year student at Teesside University doing the BA (Hons) Computer Games Art course and I'm in the process of putting up an online portfolio ready for placements.
I have a fairly common name (I think) - Andrew Bell. I have read all sorts of articles about portfolio domain names (including yours lol) and I if yas don't mind I would like some advice on what it should be.
Here my choices: (from what I've come up with or suggested from other people)
Do you have any suggestions?

I don't think you have to be worried about communicating the fact that you are an artist through the domain name. You can do that through the home page title for example and it will still show up in the google results.
It is already taken lol and okay thanks for the tip
Also, this.
EDIT: Bugger, it seems that one's taken, but you get the idea.
funny that i was thinking of the same thing... it really gets burned in your brain
DON'T use this kind of domain name ^
You shouldn't pick a name with a Hyphen in it if you don't have to.
You want to be able to tell people your site name out loud as easily as possible, without them getting confused. Saying "Andrew HYPHEN Bell HYPHEN art" out loud is gonna sound annoying.
and leaves a bad taste behind
Hum.. I think today the most common is send an actual link of your site for anyone, or at least put it written, not spoken. Anyway, it was just a suggestion.
actually iv gotten work in film just by having chats with people on set, or talking at a release party, so it is nice to have a easily spoken url if your out of cards to give out.
not a huge problem now though since everyones has blackberry's and smart-phones anyways. (Which also brings in it's own issues, since i see people pull them out and really inappropriate times, to there own detriment.
I like andy-bell.co.uk...but the .com is taken and it has a hyphen in it (im trying not to sound picky lol). And using my nickname would be unprofessional wouldn't it?
Still banging on that drum eh?
It's hard enough to get folios seen without colouring the opinion of the viewer before it starts - same goes for a lot of the courses in the UK.
It also seems stupid to associate yourself with a university. After your first year in industry, where you graduated from isn't that important any more (if it ever was in the first place).
Everyone you mentioned is still here....the teessider suggestion (and my forum name for that matter) is the fact tht im from there....i sometimes see that people use their forum names for portfolios so i thought I could use that..but perhaps not!
I would like to buy zacd.com but the minimum bid is $488
It's pretty lame that companies can just buy up domains and not use them.
I know, i think it should be like real-estate and after so many years dead it should go back on the market.
You should get your website up fast, all eyes are on you now. Muahaha!
In terms of website name, I recommend just going with whatever your alias or name is. I personally wouldn't worry about second guessing it so much. No one really cares, unless you some how take on that persona and go to your interview as TechnoViking.
Also, HETZNER look promising as a web host, can't remember who recommended it though.
decent review site with video reviews of web hosts.
Cheap and it works well.
I think I fail at everything you mentioned :P
teaandcigs.com is available
I hope my work won't be too bad....if I buy my domain tomorrow...my portfolio should hopefully be online by the end of this week! I will probs use wordpress for now just to get stuff on there and then when I have time (when I have finished 2nd year lol) I will design it properly and get some more stuff on there.
I think I'm going to go for either:
Teessiderart.com/.co.uk (teessider is taken unfortunately)
What would you(s) choose?
why on earth would you want people to view you as a student forever? Nobody would take you seriously with a URL like that...
Teeside is a region in the UK.
That's right...its where I'm from and currently live which was the reason behind my forum name!
Besides, if people remember your name it takes less than 3 seconds to google and find your website anyway.
I am pretty happy with my domain since my real name is hard as hell to spell and remember.
listenupbitchesthisiswhataportfolioshouldlooklike.com is open too!
youneedtohireme.com is free!
i shall have a look...thanks
I have slept on it and I think i'm going to go with andybellart.com/.co.uk!
thankyou for the help polycounters
Focus on the content first, if you get the content to be rock solid then consider making a new toaster cozy(domain name), just don't forget to build the rest of the house(portfolio content) otherwise that house party you plan to throw is going to be pretty lame when it starts to rain. But I think you can get hired just fine without the toaster cozy so long as your house is order.
I doubt a great domain name will influence the decision all that much, at least not as much as when they come face to face with your work. I haven't heard anyone on either end say they were/weren't hired because of their domain name.
This is for his professional portfolio (I'm assuming).