Hello, I'm having a problem that is slightly driving me mad. I've spent all day trying to eliminate the big seams on my model to no avail.
I usually just flip the green channel and I can get it to work, but it does not seem to be working on this occasion.
At first, I thought it was the dreaded 3ds Max Gamma/LUT control that seems to create abominable normal map seams on my models. It was not it. While it is a bit less noticeable, it's still nowhere near perfect.
Anyway, here's how it looks with the raw Normal Map, without modifications:
Then, by flipping the green channel of the upper shell (the one that doesn't light properly):
Then, by following this tutorial:
http://www.andrewklein.net/bh/fix_normalmap_seams.html , I get this (still modifying the upper shell):
I am lost here. Is there something I'm not seeing? It seems to be borderline acceptable by following the tutorial in some parts, but it still looks horrible in others.
Any ideas?
I did the bake in 3DS Max, and I have to seams whatsoever. I do have two weird box-shaped artifacts (like cage artifacts, but completely square, it's odd), but nothing I can't manage.
Leaving this here for other people.
Xnormal is great, but not perfect.
Two things- what does the smoothing look like on the object without any normal map applied? Also, what does an all 128,128,255 normal map look like when you apply it?
Baking in xnormal for display in max viewport is pretty much never going to work correctly. Most likely you are going to be stuck with those seams unless you change what software you are baking in or what software you are rendering the game model in. What is the target engine for this?
I should add that if you want it to render correctly in the max viewport but dont want to bake in max you can export an SBM file with the tangent basis packaged into the model. Then xnormal will load that tangent basis on the bake and create a much more max friendly result. This gets a little confusing because I am guessing you are using max default/legacy tangent basis which doesnt match the max scanline baker.
It probably will end up as a Mental Ray turntable as a last resort. (Building a better portfolio to get to Uni).
I'm still a bit new to this whole tangeant business, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. Thanks the internet.
I have a bunch more info on baking normals in a 3dmotive video.
Also some information on enabling qualified normals in max and exporting them for use in UDK:
If you are then you "might" have an issue worth reporting.
If you do not get a seam in xNormals viewer then the problem is your own fault (or your programmer's).
I'll definitely look into that
Well this was a great first impression of that forum.
I will probably come back soon with a few screengrabs of the finished project. Now that my normals problem is out of the way, it's fun time until the end.