Ace - Couple of "false starts", but they pulled through!
Ian - Thanks for the support buddy, see you at the meetup!
Adam - Holy shit!! do let us know how it goes man
Just wanted to update this thread, and ask you to please welcome to the world, Tyria Dorothy Morgan Devonald!
she was born yesterday morning at 4:21am, and weighed a whopping 9lbs 14oz (4.515kg)!!!
we were in the hospital until today, because unfortunately just after the birth there were complications with my girlfriend, she hemorrhaged awfully and lost over 2 litres (3.5pints) of blood. but all is now good, we're home, happy... and bloody knackered haha!
thanks for all the wonderful support you guys have lent me, the three of us wish you all the love we have!
9lbs 14 oz? No wonder she ripped your g/f a new one! Holy!!!!
But in all seriousness, Im glad to hear everyone is good now, and a huge congrats!!!! How do you pronounce that name? tear-ia? or tie-ria?
yeah what happened was fucking scary man, not going to lie i was bricking it big time...
the baby was born, happy, healthy... a little quiet but no big deal she was breathing and nuzzling nicely. girlfriend only used gas, and no other painkillers... so that's pretty awesome.
anyway, after the baby was out they gave her a shot to make the placenta break away from the lining of the uterus, and after a couple of minutes my girlfriend said stuff like... that she's feeling dizzy, going to pass out, feels sick. i just figured she'd been awake for best part of 24 hours by that point and just gone through labour so it was normal.
then the placenta came out, i was cuddling my new baby and looking at her, i heard like... a "woosh" sound, and then a splatter, felt my legs get wet, looked up and it was like a scene from a horror movie, there was blood EVERYWHERE. my girlfriend was looking up at the ceiling, saying "ooh i feel better now", then she looked down, saw the blood, and we both looked at each other, then at the midwife, and asked "am i/is she going to be okay?!"
then all of hell broke loose, surgeons coming in, people all talking in medicalgook, i'm terrified but had total gameface on reassuring my girlfriend and telling her she'd be okay, all the while clutching Tyria. one of the surgeons was amazing, literally elbow deep in my girlfriend, found the problem, told me what was up (part of the placenta hadn't broken away, and was causing the bleed), and said "right. we're taking her to theatre, we're going to try to remove the placenta and stop the bleed, if that doesn't work we're going to inflate a balloon inside her which should stop the bleed, if THAT doesn't work, we have to remove her uterus... do we have your permission", girlfriend and i were both like "yeah do what you gotta do".
they wheel her out, she's got a terrified look on her face, i HOPE i had a more confident one, but really i was shitting myself. man... it was just so RED... like EVERYWHERE.
so they moved me to a different room, where i called my mum who came straight away, within 10 minutes of my mum arriving the surgeon came in and said "everything's fine, she'll be here in a minute they're just finishing up."
I would have been doing the same thing, totally bricking myself. A scene with red just everywhere - I would have had to sit the fuck down right then and there.
I hope she is OK now and the surgery went all OK. Was there a bit of damage done? I just hope she is OK.
Also, congratulations to your arrival. My wife and I are expecting in December and we are currently sorting through names. For a boy, we have a name, but for a girl ... we have lots.
Congratulations again, and glad everything is going OK now.
Congrats! It's been a long road for the both of you, delighted for you guys Sorry you guys had to have that scare though, you've really been put through the ringer hah! The picture link isn't working btw.
I'm really happy for you, man
Grats, mate!
Sorry to hear about everything else...I missed the threads. Glad everything is going well now
p.s We will have to do another meet soon, so we can catch up some
damned right! small mammals must be sacrificed to appease the art masses soon!
super excited, and we found out the gender today. Booboo is going to be a little girl!
Congrats mates, and if I may say so, strong semen you have there to get the pregnancy up and running so quickly.
I never saw your other threads, that sounds awful. Very nice to see you have a mini-lee on the way! Well done!
Ian - Thanks for the support buddy, see you at the meetup!
Adam - Holy shit!! do let us know how it goes man
sorry about your past problems, but im pretty confident this will end now that your girl is on the way
oh and the greentooth was a nice touch heheh ^^
Nooooope. Diabetes UK. Would be freaky if she did.
she was born yesterday morning at 4:21am, and weighed a whopping 9lbs 14oz (4.515kg)!!!
we were in the hospital until today, because unfortunately just after the birth there were complications with my girlfriend, she hemorrhaged awfully and lost over 2 litres (3.5pints) of blood. but all is now good, we're home, happy... and bloody knackered haha!
thanks for all the wonderful support you guys have lent me, the three of us wish you all the love we have!
haha congrats dude, your gonna sculpt retopo unwrap and texture that littlle thing into a awesome human being!
and to think there are people on this board that want to deny us moments like this.
now you need to learn how to do everything you do now while holding a baby. It's quite the interesting challenge.
haha, 4:20 celebrate your daughters birthday every day!
But in all seriousness, Im glad to hear everyone is good now, and a huge congrats!!!! How do you pronounce that name? tear-ia? or tie-ria?
yeah what happened was fucking scary man, not going to lie i was bricking it big time...
the baby was born, happy, healthy... a little quiet but no big deal she was breathing and nuzzling nicely. girlfriend only used gas, and no other painkillers... so that's pretty awesome.
anyway, after the baby was out they gave her a shot to make the placenta break away from the lining of the uterus, and after a couple of minutes my girlfriend said stuff like... that she's feeling dizzy, going to pass out, feels sick. i just figured she'd been awake for best part of 24 hours by that point and just gone through labour so it was normal.
then the placenta came out, i was cuddling my new baby and looking at her, i heard like... a "woosh" sound, and then a splatter, felt my legs get wet, looked up and it was like a scene from a horror movie, there was blood EVERYWHERE. my girlfriend was looking up at the ceiling, saying "ooh i feel better now", then she looked down, saw the blood, and we both looked at each other, then at the midwife, and asked "am i/is she going to be okay?!"
then all of hell broke loose, surgeons coming in, people all talking in medicalgook, i'm terrified but had total gameface on reassuring my girlfriend and telling her she'd be okay, all the while clutching Tyria. one of the surgeons was amazing, literally elbow deep in my girlfriend, found the problem, told me what was up (part of the placenta hadn't broken away, and was causing the bleed), and said "right. we're taking her to theatre, we're going to try to remove the placenta and stop the bleed, if that doesn't work we're going to inflate a balloon inside her which should stop the bleed, if THAT doesn't work, we have to remove her uterus... do we have your permission", girlfriend and i were both like "yeah do what you gotta do".
they wheel her out, she's got a terrified look on her face, i HOPE i had a more confident one, but really i was shitting myself. man... it was just so RED... like EVERYWHERE.
so they moved me to a different room, where i called my mum who came straight away, within 10 minutes of my mum arriving the surgeon came in and said "everything's fine, she'll be here in a minute they're just finishing up."
and that was that!
I would have been doing the same thing, totally bricking myself. A scene with red just everywhere - I would have had to sit the fuck down right then and there.
I hope she is OK now and the surgery went all OK. Was there a bit of damage done? I just hope she is OK.
Also, congratulations to your arrival. My wife and I are expecting in December and we are currently sorting through names. For a boy, we have a name, but for a girl ... we have lots.
Congratulations again, and glad everything is going OK now.