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Career in movie or game industry

Hello there, i am new to here, and i really can't decide for what to do for my career.

I am passionate and hardcore gamer, i always wanted to be part on team creating games, especially game like star wars old republic,Wildstar and WoW, so MMORPG.
But, where i live, there isn't game studio, there is only a VFX studio that work for blockbuster movies, sadly they don't do modeling,sculpting, etc, they just are doing matchmoving, rotoscoping, compositing and matte paitning.

I want to do modeling/sculpting, texturing that kind of things. So, i thought, because the VFX studio give every year, a place for intern people, in matchmoving and rotoscoping, i would go there to earn some money, and see how they work, and in my free time to learn modeling?

I don't think that i can make it, because they work almost 10h, and when i came back home, i will be dead tired, and i would run to bed, that sitting again o the PC for 4hours or so.


  • slipsius
    A quote I heard lately, which I feel I will be saying for a very long time...

    Decide what to be then go be it.

    Simple as that. Do what you love. If there isnt a game job around... move.

  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Matchmoving and rotoscoping are the bottom end of VFX work, and interning for said positions probably won't give you much cash. The working hours are killer, not that the game industry isn't any different but the monotonous nature of rotoscoping can really drain the energy out of you.

    Your best bet would be to learn by yourself and move to a place that does offer what you want.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Work a job that pays the most for as little work as possible, (I moved stage sets at night and worked bars) and live as cheaply as possible (live with your parents if you can) and spend all your time doing what you love. If you want to be a modeller for games or film you need to be good. If you don't want to match move or rotoscope then don't! Take a crap job in the field you want to be in, not a field that you don't! Your first job may not be triple A but a job in mobile games or internet games is great experience. You might have to move to get that job. I worked on internet games, did a bit of triple A and am back on mobile, I love my job. Consider every job in your field, even if you don't want to work on a barbie game it might be a good stepping stone! Jesus I worked on Runescape for 4 years!
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    If you choose to go down the VFX path, you should take a look at my mate's showreel
    When he finished his degree at Abertay he made this, and it landed him a job at Double Negative as a roto artist (entry position).

    Back to your question, I think slipsius has got it spot on 'Do what you love.' If you work on 10hours of something you love, it'l go by much faster then 8hours of something you like. If you've got the ambition, don't let anything hold you back! (que motivating music)
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Nick don't knock Runescape, I work on that now :poly124:
  • Mathew O
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    Mathew O polycounter
    Jesus I worked on Runescape for 4 years!

    Aww I've just applied to Jagex O.o
  • Micici
    Thank you guys, i am really worried because, where i live, we don't have any game studio, only one VFX studio, that do things that i am not really interest. So let's say if i work for VFX studio, and i will train my self home about gaming,modeling, low poly,texturing and so on. How i can get hired from my favorite companies, BioWare and Blizzard, without shipped title?

    How can i get shipped title? And yes, i can't wait to move somewhere else, London, Canada or USA, but i can see that, it is impossible to get work visa in London and USA, and it is much easier to get visa in Canada.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    Micici wrote: »
    Thank you guys, i am really worried because, where i live, we don't have any game studio, only one VFX studio, that do things that i am not really interest. So let's say if i work for VFX studio, and i will train my self home about gaming,modeling, low poly,texturing and so on. How i can get hired from my favorite companies, BioWare and Blizzard, without shipped title?

    How can i get shipped title? And yes, i can't wait to move somewhere else, London, Canada or USA, but i can see that, it is impossible to get work visa in London and USA, and it is much easier to get visa in Canada.

    unless your work is amazing your not going to go straight to Bioware or Blizzard. Keep them as a goal and work in that direction. Decide what role you want to fill and keep improving it.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Baj, I wasn't having a go a Runescape, I worked there for 4 years and had an amazing time, I learnt loads. It was a great first job and I would recommend it to any one as a good first place to work, I was just saying that it's not exactly up to Crysis 2 technology and prestige-wise. Very few people get to work on a AAA as a first job, and working on AAA isn't always as fun as you think it's going to be!
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    Dw Nick I was kidding :p
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