Technically, it's pretty much perfect in my eyes. The skin looks photoreal.
At the same time, I'm getting a strong uncanny valley vibe from it. I can't look at it for too long without feeling weird in my stomach. Something about it, really creeps me out. I feel like these eyes are piercing through my soul :poly122:
Hmm, also I think the final render might benefit a little bit from a stronger AO pass.
Regardless, it's top notch stuff! I can only imagine how difficult it must be to nail this photoreal look.
I really love what you've done here, but the chain on her left side (right on this portrait) seems to be the wrong colour. It seems a bit bright, stands out to me.
slipsius - if you give awnser C i will like you a lot
but nay, its a 3D render
Tom Pritchard - you know what, that is been actually one of the things that kept haunting me to the very last minute. in the final, final version i have darkened the chain in the shadow a little bit more
teaandcigarettes - 'I feel like these eyes are piercing through my soul :poly122:' that's because my grandmother feeds on the souls of the living
thanks so much everyone and please keep those comments coming
I think what feels weird to most of us is how much age is showing in the diffuse via hairline veins, spots, red eyes - while there's not much age in her shapes.
I think there's not enough punch to the wrinkles and shapes. For instance, it looks like all the detail on the nosebridge is in the diffuse and spec, without any support from the normals. And some parts seem way too smooth for her age, like the almost complete absence of laugh lines (which usually form around age 25) and just below her mouth.
A good way to get an idea of what I mean is by covering half the face, above the tip of the nose and below, and seeing what age difference you perceive. The top of the face has some wrinkles (still a bit too softly implemented) but the bottom looks very young with slightly dirty skin.
One other detail that makes it uncanny is the lack of small hairs. If you look at this woman's cheek silhouette, you'll notice some fuzz of very hairs (called vellus hairs). Your grandma is missing this.
Well executed, but it fell into uncanny valley. Looks very disturbing, and not live. I believe the main problems are the skin, that it's not showing its weight and volume correctly, and her eyes... she's staring so fiercely at me.
Can you post an actual photo of her, for comparison?
before anyone starts talking about the eye color, let me just say my grandma's eyes being a different color than in reality is due to the fact that those were my grandma's eye color when she was younger and she kinda missed them so i selected that colour instead of the ones the currently has:) .
At the same time, I'm getting a strong uncanny valley vibe from it. I can't look at it for too long without feeling weird in my stomach. Something about it, really creeps me out. I feel like these eyes are piercing through my soul :poly122:
Hmm, also I think the final render might benefit a little bit from a stronger AO pass.
Regardless, it's top notch stuff! I can only imagine how difficult it must be to nail this photoreal look.
slipsius - if you give awnser C i will like you a lot
but nay, its a 3D render
Tom Pritchard - you know what, that is been actually one of the things that kept haunting me to the very last minute. in the final, final version i have darkened the chain in the shadow a little bit more
teaandcigarettes - 'I feel like these eyes are piercing through my soul :poly122:'
thanks so much everyone and please keep those comments coming
I think there's not enough punch to the wrinkles and shapes. For instance, it looks like all the detail on the nosebridge is in the diffuse and spec, without any support from the normals. And some parts seem way too smooth for her age, like the almost complete absence of laugh lines (which usually form around age 25) and just below her mouth.
A good way to get an idea of what I mean is by covering half the face, above the tip of the nose and below, and seeing what age difference you perceive. The top of the face has some wrinkles (still a bit too softly implemented) but the bottom looks very young with slightly dirty skin.
One other detail that makes it uncanny is the lack of small hairs. If you look at this woman's cheek silhouette, you'll notice some fuzz of very hairs (called vellus hairs). Your grandma is missing this.
Can you post an actual photo of her, for comparison?
before anyone starts talking about the eye color, let me just say my grandma's eyes being a different color than in reality is due to the fact that those were my grandma's eye color when she was younger and she kinda missed them so i selected that colour instead of the ones the currently has:) .
thanks for all the c&C. cheers