Can you post the texture? I wonder if your spec is a little bright/tight for the wood. There's like a blinding glare coming from the handle in that screenshot. I could be wrong though. Metal looks nice to me, nice scratches.
There is a lil bit of hotspot towards the bottom of the handle. It's in the sec texture too. I'd pull back on the intensity at the bottom just a tad. Other than that though, Good job with the material definition. Did you do the unwrap too?
is it varnished wood? if that is the case it probably wouldn't have the grain of the wood in the specular it would be a much smoother highlight with a few dents in it. A gloss map could help you tons here if you feel its worth looking into.
~ removed most of the wood grain from the spec
~ added a blue tone to the spec
~ adjusted the values of the spec so the metal would have more than the wood
~ added mud
~ adjusted the light of the render so the grenade shows better
~ moved the camera a bit far back
~ made the metal on the bottom less boring
What I did:
~ removed most of the wood grain from the spec
~ added a blue tone to the spec
~ adjusted the values of the spec so the metal would have more than the wood
~ added mud
~ adjusted the light of the render so the grenade shows better
~ moved the camera a bit far back
~ made the metal on the bottom less boring
Simple model but you nailed it.