So I am starting a new environment on the side, and I am inspired by Borderlands to make some sort of stylized environment. I want to make this place some sort of bandit hideout, but I will update it as I go and hopefully it will be more clear by then:
Modular pieces:
and the work in progress in the UDK. The sides aren't done yet, but got the front so far:
I do have a problem with the floor as there are random black "stains" anybody know what could cause that? Well thanks for looking and I am looking forward to suggestions and crits!
I did fix a few lightmap errors, but it must be something with that particular floor tile, I replaced it with other ones I made. Does it look any better?
I will add more floor details, maybe a keypad of some sort to add onto the way of the door actually opening, maybe a floor panel to step on as well, i'll have to figure something out
I do think the wear around the bolts in the plates stand out very much, and is larger and more worn that it should be. In cases like the door frame I also get the heavy handed feeling where you've worn off the entire surrounding edge instead of varying it.
Also, on the metal plates that don't seem to have paint on them (or maybe they're painted grey?) you're using the same texturing as if paint was chipped off around the bolts.
I like the colors though, a great shade of orange and I think it'll turn out excellent.
@ Jeremiah_Bigley - Thank you!
and thanks Mooglesarelittle, i'll clean up the stairs and make some graffiti decals , I actually have a lot of decals to make!
Maybe try building vertically more? If you have everything modular in your 3d-software, try building everything in there first. (maybe not everything) but the main buildings. Putting together modular parts in UDK will probably just up the chances that you'll have lighting-bugs in the end when the walls are not welded together.
I think scale is an issue, the bolts look really big. I think you need to sit down, and have a big think on what looks right and what doesn't, then go and fix it. The metal floor looks off to me, mainly because it's solid metal and everything has really sharp edges. Maybe like a metal grating floor (alpha) with some corrugated metal sheets on it would work better ? Something that feels more "put together by bandits".
You got the groundwork done now experiment a bit and don't get stuck in just one way of doing things! Keep working!