Aaaaight, it's time to make my first gameready model eva. So let it be a lemur-ish looking space creature in a suit with sleek and futuristic design. :poly142:
alchemy and photoshhhh concept i came up with by now
BTW could you guys advice a nice image hosting, my devianart wont cope with the amount of shhh i'll be posting :poly142:
Anyways, that's a cool looking creature man you got there. I like the big eyes and the oddly spaced "legs". I'm really curious as to how it moves and holds it's weight.
There's also a "wiki" section for polycount which has good tutorials and how-to's. It might be worth taking a look and getting lost in all the info.
It's a really cool character, but it's hard to figure out everything about it from the image. You might need to do a revision in 3D to figure out all the little parts and curves and such. It reads pretty well and has a good overall focus and breathe to it.
It couldn't hurt to venture further with this and really flesh it out conceptually, but depending on preference, you could also flesh it out in 3D then do a real version.
Good luck to ya, it's looking pretty cool.
Google+ will host images 4 me tho it ruins quality a little)
yep, started a basemesh in modo, will make a quick dummy to balance his bodyparts
sorry for the slomo progress , the whole thing is pretty new to me)
Any major geometry mistakes maybe? i try to avoid triangles tho i don't purely understand why? is it sculpting related?
There are 3 main reasons to avoid triangles(or ngons) while modeling.
1. Procedural subdivision works better and is more predictable.
2. during deformation(from a rig) quads that have good flow will deform better.
3. Working with quads makes sub-d modeling much easier. With a model of all quads, when you grab an edge ring, the ring will continue all around the model instead of ending at some triangle.
Keep up the good work!
Edit: You'll also want to avoid Poles(vertices with more than 4 edges connected to them) and make sure that the spacing of your quads is as even as possible.
2nd Edit: I just noticed the tiny version of the concept at the bottom of the image. I like the eyes on the small one better. They seem to support the name 'gizmo' more than the perfectly round eyes.
ill try another eyes variant also!
I have some stupidous questions before sculpting:
- should i UV unwrap the basemesh or the retopoed one?
- the eyes - delete em and add in zbruzh, or keep these?