I finished this robot character 7-8 months ago, and it's time to revisit. I'm completely re-doing the textures, and the scratch/bump detail in the normal map. So far I've re-done and re-baked a few UV islands so I don't get an ugly seam in the center, previously all UVs were mirrored. So he's ready to go, normal and AO are done.
Old Texture Version:
New Texture (more images on my website
Maya Viewport 2.0 screenshot, and the texture resolution is actual size (part of a 2048x2048 )
Gettin there, any critiques at this point would be much appreciated
My one crit is to really keep an eye on that specular, and to keep pushing it so the materials feel right. Keep it up!!
Can't wait to see more of this man. Looks great. I like the idea of the pipes being more of a matte finish with a lot of changes in specularity. seems like they would get scraped up a lot with their placement.
I tried a darker brown and it looked pretty good, basically a darker version of the yellow. I've also tried some red metal color and changed the painted parts to black, but its looking a little like bloody Christmas to me. not sure... any thoughts? Garrr color design!!! Life was easier when it was just a base metal haha.
I also did a first lighting pass in Maya. I'll probably render this guy in CE3 or download trial version of Marmoset, but maybe this lighting helps present the model a bit better.
It's turning out nice keep it up.
One last thing you could do that would take this to the next level is add the chipped paint into the bump map. The addition of all the subtle details that we take for granted are what can really make a piece feel alive.
Thanks artquest. Marmoset I was really happy with, good quality renders with a few clicks. I double checked, and shadows are on. I'm using a lighting preset - Forest Ambiance, there really isn't a strong key light to cast strong/defined shadows, but they're on. Thanks for the reference about paint chipping.
Oh shit! disregard my most recent comment, I just noticed you edited your original post.
great job!