Hello folks,
Okay so this is project (Level) that i was working on last days.I started it on Unity3D Pro ,i know that UDK is better for pimps ....have more advanced graphic features,but i`m more experienced with Unity and i did`t want to spend more time learning than working...don`t have a lot of free time

So thats old Fallout shelter,which is occupied from small group of ppl after post-apocalyptic events.
So here some WIP`s from Shower-room , ill upload latter some concept sketches and wip`s from other rooms . There is a lot of work to do...

I think that the decals are too opaque. Try turning down and varying the opacity in areas (don´t know if possible in unity).
Check the scale of your scene, somehow I feel that the door is quite big compared to the chairs.
Pipework can use some loving
Your tiles should line up whenever they meet in a corner.
If you know what your doing you can get pretty close. I think the only area where Unity is reallly behind is with materials. (That, and the fact there is no directional lightmaps, so baking lighting kills your per pixel shaders. Although thats no longer gonna be an issue in 3.5)
@IxenonI Yeah the door seams that way from the camera angle ,ill include one more viewing angle here
Ok sooo... some more updates on the other room.... i know my progress is not very fast but... i don`t have a lot of free time
Thanks for the comments .
I don't have Unity installed on my PC...but I know that there is a vertex painting script on the asset store. I believe its free, too.
This is one of the nicest looking scenes I've seen in Unity to date. Keep pushing it!
Just make it look this cool. No pressure.
I'm working on a Unity level. There are some downloads and scripts that don't come automatically with the Pro version (as noted above) that may help.
I'm still looking to get the shader that contains an actual spec plug-in (but the site that was hosting it is down because of hacking).
I've been pleased with what Unity can do. I'm working on scripting my own third-person controller and several other things.
I'm Maya-focused (although I've done a lot in Max) and find the interface similarities and integration between Maya and Unity strong factors in its favor for me. I started playing with CryTek, but don't have the time to jump in fully.
I look forward to updates on your project.