Just getting my head round UDK so I thought I'd make a little "game". The idea is you are a child and have fallen down a well. You need to find your way out. The idea will be to weigh the bucket down so you can climb up the rope to your safety. Anyway hope like it, if you have any advice or criticism its very welcome.

oh and...my personal favourite for uploading images...minus.com
Or otherwise there should be an option to copy the source link somewhere on imageshack, here I'll post it for you:
(See first post, no need for the same image twice now you've figured it out;))
looks pretty cool, I like the atmosphere and Looks like this is actually ingame so great job on that! Post a video or something if you have some gameplay going on=)
Just a very quick video to show some game play. Made a bit of a better video so you can actually understand what's going down.