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Vertigo Returns!

Hey guys! There was a challenge some time ago, not sure which forum it was on though..., to take an old 8 or 16 bit character and bring it into the modern age! Well i started on Vertigo from Primal Rage and i finally went back and finished her. I wanted to do more of a "How to Train Your Dragon" style... Its kinda a WIP finish. The texture could use some love, but im gonna have to move on at this point so maybe ill go back later. Any crits or comments however would be greatly appreciated!

Poly Count: 2,824




  • Mark Dygert
    That's pretty cool, I like it. The sculpt looks good, it would be nice to see the low poly wires overlaid on the model as well as the texture sheets but...

    "Art is never finished it is only abandoned" - some guy

    I agree that the materials could use a final push and it would be great to see it posed... but overall for the state its in its pretty cool.
  • Clintus Maximus
    Thanks Mark! I might be able to get some renders up with wires and whatnot as well as the textures. Id like to pretty up the presentation a bit to put it on my site. Not sure when that'll happen though. Again thank you!
  • bipolar
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    bipolar polycounter lvl 7
    A great start! I would add more reptilian details to the base model. More scales, and such...wrinkles and folds in the skin.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Man, I haven't heard of Primal Rage for years.

    This is looking like a decent model, but I'm not sure you've got the look of Vertigo down. He's very snake-like with a really lock neck and little nubbby spines along the sides of his hood, rather than big ones all over the back of his head that you've got going there.

    If you're wanting to get the How to Train Your Dragon look down, then the Zipplebacks have a similarly snake-like appearance and animation and might make for good inspiration.

    I'd probably really accentuate the length of his neck and tail (I remember him having an attack where he could bring his tail right up over his head and shoot some kind of lasery thing out of it) and probably make his limbs a bit longer and more slender too.
  • tonysladky
    This may be partly because you're not showing the low-poly back view, but I really like the detail you've managed to sculpt in around where the spikes meet the skin. It doesn't feel like that detail carried over to the Low-poly version. It'd be nice if those prominently sculpted scales on his back popped more in the low-poly. They look like they're just purple spots, which is unfortunate, because the ones on his arms show up a bit better and look really cool because of it.
  • Clintus Maximus
    Thanks guys!

    @bipolar: Yea i considered it and i might go back and add some more, but i had to pinch the project off because of other things.

    @Jackablade: It is a re-design. And i was using "Toothless" as my main reference for it. You're right that it doesnt look just like Vertigo from the game, but it was more of a mash up of two characters i liked.

    @tonysladky: Thanks! I really need to re-topologize him to capture some more detail. The poly limit is just shy of 3,000 so i could take him up to 8 or 9 probably, but ill have to revisit later for that. Thanks for the feedback!
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    i think you're missing the style a bit.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20alb2pVBPM&feature=player_embedded"]How To Train Your Dragon.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
  • Clintus Maximus
    Those 2d concepts arent really a good representation of the actual movie in my opinion... look at Toothless from the actual movie and those are the images i used for reference and inspiration.

  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    sculpt looks kickass lol i like the scale style
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