Hello fellow Art-ers! I am creating this thread to share my 2D work and hopefully motivate me to draw more. I imagine that I will be posting mostly sketches here, but who knows-- I might actually do something of a more finished quality for you guys.

I really hope that you enjoy and please feel free to comment!
Oh by the way I recently started a thread for my 3D artwork that is still in it's infancy. If you are interested please follow the link below:
This one is sort of inspired by Mega Mind. I started painting this on my 'Bamboo Fun' tablet. I guess I like this enough to post it but I am too bored with it to really finish it at the moment.
And then I decided to try and do a quick paint of this creature. Also a tentacle eyeball for some reason...
I am trying to build up my technique on the tablet to find a look that I like and also to become faster.