Hey everyone currently working on a car model, but been having some trouble. As many of you know the model has to be very smooth for highlights and such. My problem is that even with turbosmooth, my mesh still looks bumpy. I know this because of edge flow but is there any way I can avoid this or is a lot of tweaking involved? I tried the relax modifier but it messes up the rest of my mesh. Any help would be appreciated or if anyone could direct me to good tutorials. I use 3dsMax as my modeling package.
Sticky: FAQ: How u model dem shapes? Hands-on mini-tuts for mechanical sub-d AKA ADD MORE GEO
Also, be specific and post pictures.
Generic advice: try using the least amount of loops needed to get your shape. Its very easy to get lumps in a car model if your loops aren't lined up perfectly, but the less loops you have, the more you can just let your turbosmooth interpolate rounded areas for you.