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Rigging / boning a '2D' character

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Chimp interpolator
Hello all,

I am in need of some advice or a tutorial-

I am working on a '2D' game (it's actually 3D but constrained to the side, characters are made of quads that overlap) and was wondering if someone could show me how to rig it up? The setup is very similar to Zombieville or games of that style.

I am using 3ds Max but can switch to maya, would prefer max though.

My rigging knowledge is minimal, this is my first time doing animation and rigging but I will pick it up fast if you're quite clear with what you say.

Many thanks,



  • Mark Dygert
    If I understand you right, you could probably adjust the pivot points for each object (Hierarchy tab > affect pivot only) and animate the objects themselves.

    I personally would probably use dummy objects like point helpers and skin the objects to those so you can swap out the meshes a bit easier and transfer animations around without having to run into conflicting naming conventions on the objects themselves.
  • Chimp
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    Chimp interpolator
    sounds about right, that's what i've ended up doing. just working out how it all works at the moment.
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