So I've been a long time follower of the xbox but never had enough money to get a playstation too. But recently I've been pondering the idea of getting one because I want to play the uncharted and god of war games that I decided to look into pricing. Seems that I could get a ps3 for $200. Worth it?
I'm just on the fence and don't know if I should drop the cash. If you guys see any cheaper prices let me know.
The fact that the PS3 is always patching or installing stuff kind of drives me nuts - I actually got stuck in a loop trying to log into Netflix recently, Netflix needed to update AND the PS3 had to download an update before going online - so it just bounced me between the two error messages until I powered it down.
I saw the thread here about the ps3 slim disk drive being extremely loud, does anyone know for sure that the older ps3's are quieter than the new slim ones? Seems kind of dumb that they got louder.
I would suggest you get one. I personally play my ps3 more than my 360 lately because I find the exclusives better and there are more obscure Japanese games translated for it.(Yakuza and Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes im looking at you. Plus you don't need to pay extra to use Netflix and Hulu plus. I don't play multiplayer that much anymore and having a gold account to watch Netflix just seems pointless.
I pretty much bought my ps3 for exactly these games (and Heavenly Sword) for probably double that price. And while I've felt GOW3 to be a bit of a letdown after the first two I'm loving Uncharted 2 enough that it was worth it (though I did get in a fist-fight with my controller over the mini-boss on the train).I've ended up using it for blue-rays and netflix more than games but I think that as long as there's at least 3-4 games you know you want then there's a good chance there'll be others you didn't know about as well.
Also, the update thing isn't really a big concern. In all honesty I can't remember when the last system update was, maybe a few months ago?
If youre coming form the 360 which doesn't update for a long time (I think) then it might seem like a lot but in all honesty I dont think a small update every few months is big issue
I've had the exact opposite experience, except with Red Dead, the PS3 CONSTANTLY reads from the disc, it's loud, atmosphere shattering and goddamn annoying!!
Blu Ray Player alone makes it worth it.
BTW - get the games for the target platform it was developed on.
Also one small thing that I like is the controllers are chargeable. I know you can get charge packs for the 360 pads but it's nice having them built-in on the PS3.
The updates do frustrate me though, not the system updates which aren't usually too bad, it's the game updates, some seem to take an eternity whereas they're always lightning quick on the 360.
my ps3 fat is much louder than my xbox slim, and the volume output on movies through the ps3 (HDMI) is super quiet. I have to have my tv at 75% to get a decent volume, but as soon as i switch back to tv or xbox, its WAAAAY to loud at that volume. It is a first gen though, with backwards compatibility. So that might ahve changed.
But yes, the exclusive games are wonderfully awesome.
Honestly though, those consoles are pretty cheap nowadays, so I don't see a reason to not just own both.
Last I checked there is no ps3 without a HD. The reason being that there are multiple games out there that require an install to even play.
Microsoft was at least smart enough to allow you to copy the entire game to the hard drive and reduce the disc drive usage to starting the game and keeping things quieter. How this would work for ps3 games I'm not sure since with blu-ray there's duplication of data to improve access times.
I do however like that sony allows you to toss in any drive instead of microsoft's forced hd control scheme.
It's worth it for Uncharted 2 alone.
unfortunately these are noisy, run hot and are now not all that reliable. and they're butt-ugly.
as for the original question - i'd save myself the expense if i already had a 360.
For Christmas my wife got me a PS3 and I've logged a few hours of Uncharted, even for an older game it rocks. After I finish the series I might dive into God of War but I suspect the newness will wear off and I'll be back to ignoring the consoles.
So yea I don't see myself rushing out to own both, but it would be nice to have access to the library of 360 games I own but can no longer play.