This was my first time using UDK and this project is for my Environment Production module in my second year Games Art course at Teesside University in England.
I had other modules on the go and this got left behind so I ended up doing it all in about 25 days. The deadline is tomorrow and I have written work/files to sort out so I have to call this done for the assignment. I was quite inspired by Mystry10's Bombay scene in the showcase forum and wanted to try something similar but with a different slant. I actually went an visted the chinatown district in Manchester for reference photos and textures which was interesting. Anyway, enough rambling here's my beauty shot:
All my own assets and textures modeled in Max, some Mudbox Sculpting, photoshop for textures. Final shot taken in UDK. It's a playable environment with collisions and whatnot.
I'd love some feedback to help improve and I might use your comments to help write my report!
Here's a lighting only shot and some of my rough initial concepts:
Other than that... I like the mood and feel of the scene. Asian towns are fun to use for UDK environments!
If anyone has any other suggestions to make it look better let me know, even though I'm calling it done for my assignment I'd like to improve it for my portfolio.
It also looks like the glowing orbs that are closest to the camera aren't actually attached to anything.
I decided to apply for the Blitz open day with this so I put all my textures together, here they are: