been posting this work on the WAYWO thread lately, but as i get closer to calling it done i decided to make it a thread here, so that i could get some opinions, tips, advice, crits and whatever come to your guys minds.
Cool scene! The only thing that's really bothering me is the DOF... it's very strong.
A couple of other things I notice:
I can see that the mirror grime is the same on each mirror... might help to maybe break one of them, offset one or 2 slightly, just mix it up. And finally, you might consider beveling the convex corners of the walls to make it look a little less polygonal, and so that the light hits those corners well.
The grime in general; under the sinks, the ceiling etc, is very uniform. It would benefit from bigger, localized shapes so it doesn't look so CG. I feel like you could also push the tonal variation in the ceiling, maybe make those darker stains really pop out.
The specular levels and falloff is the same across the board. I would expect that porcelain would behave very different than cement, which would behave very different than tile. If you amp up those differences in spec, the scene will start to really sing
Cool scene! The only thing that's really bothering me is the DOF... it's very strong.
A couple of other things I notice:
I can see that the mirror grime is the same on each mirror... might help to maybe break one of them, offset one or 2 slightly, just mix it up. And finally, you might consider beveling the convex corners of the walls to make it look a little less polygonal, and so that the light hits those corners well.
The grime in general; under the sinks, the ceiling etc, is very uniform. It would benefit from bigger, localized shapes so it doesn't look so CG. I feel like you could also push the tonal variation in the ceiling, maybe make those darker stains really pop out.
The specular levels and falloff is the same across the board. I would expect that porcelain would behave very different than cement, which would behave very different than tile. If you amp up those differences in spec, the scene will start to really sing
thanks for the crits Amadreaus taken some of them into account already, and trying to get the best out of all of them.
this is the result ive gotten so far. weakened the DOF, added a reflection vector to the tiles shader, changed the spec/spec power values, and gave a minor variation to the grime (still need to put some more varied though).
I think some of the stains coming down the walls from the ceiling are a little bit overused and, as previously stated by Amadreaus, too uniform. Maybe use them to give the impression that there is water leaking from the ceiling in a particular part/corner of the room. Otherwise it looks like there are just pipes uniformly leaking everywhere.
Also the sinks and toilets look a little too clean. Maybe grime them up some more or make what grime is there pop.
Also, can't tell from pictures, but you could have one of the fluorescent lights flicker a little bit. But can't remember whether something like that was there in SC: Conviction or not.
Pull the craggy normal out of the floor tiling. They look like they've been hewn out of a granite mountain with hand tools.
For fired ceramics like that, you really only need normals to define the edging and any major cracks or damage deformation. All the scuffs, scratches, and wear works better if you put it in the spec.
I've moved away from over-normaling all my surfaces like that lately, and I've been rediscovering just how powerful a good, detailed specular is in visually selling surface detail on smooth finishes, like metal, smooth concrete, and floor tiles.
I like it. However the DOF, which has already been addressed, is way too strong. This is most notable in the third image of your original post. Just lowering the kernal size would help this.
I also think the urinals need more grime. I mean, they are where people wee after all..
There is no point of interest in this scene, it's just a bathroom. If you added something in this room that would reward the viewer visually then I think the scene could be more successful.
Also why not just get rid of the DOF entirely? It's not doing anything to the scene except distracting the viewer and making their eyes hurt. DOF is supposed to be used artistically and deliberately to draw a viewer's attention to something, I have no idea what it is supposed to do here.
There is no point of interest in this scene, it's just a bathroom. If you added something in this room that would reward the viewer visually then I think the scene could be more successful.
Also why not just get rid of the DOF entirely? It's not doing anything to the scene except distracting the viewer and making their eyes hurt. DOF is supposed to be used artistically and deliberately to draw a viewer's attention to something, I have no idea what it is supposed to do here.
well im just trying to replicate the environment here, and thats what it is, a bathroom. theres not much more to be added i guess. in the game there's the interrogation sequence, other than that the scene is just what ive done here. i could make a second version, transforming it into some sort of crime scene, with blood, marks and do not cross stripes. gotta give it a thought at
as regards the DOF, i tried to replicate the peripheral vision effect, as if you were looking at the scene. indeed your eyes when concentrated into a point in a scene, tend to blur the surroundings.
i dont know, i might be completely off, and this might be going wrong... but thats what i thought of doing, replicating the scene (with some little modificiations obviously, couldnt do it 100% identical).
I'm not buying the shader on the porcelain, it almost looks like soapstone. There's a weird wash of light on the ceiling on the right, Is that intentional? The objects in the scene don't seem to 'connect' to each other. It feels a little disjointed. I've been watching a lot of old movies lately(most recently Alien 1-3) and the scene feels a little like one of those old miniatures. Well, anyway, hope this helps.
I'm not buying the shader on the porcelain, it almost looks like soapstone. There's a weird wash of light on the ceiling on the right, Is that intentional? The objects in the scene don't seem to 'connect' to each other. It feels a little disjointed. I've been watching a lot of old movies lately(most recently Alien 1-3) and the scene feels a little like one of those old miniatures. Well, anyway, hope this helps.
the porcelain shader is still to be worked indeed :P doesnt buy me either hahaha
the wash of light is what i thought would be some sort of lamp inside the WC, i thought putting them would be a good move (which later i discovered wasnt, as in the original scene there isnt any lamp in the WC's lol)... still have to remove it
about the miniature feeling, might be the DOF, which in a small, closed scene like this one gives an amplitude feeling that isnt supposed to be there. ill try and make some adjustments to that
tried to get rid of the miniature feeling, you guys tell me if its still on... the wash of light i figured it as nice to leave it on, what do you guys say?
open to any crits, and still trying to figure anything to use as a focus point... paintovers would be appreciated if possible hahahahah
A couple of other things I notice:
I can see that the mirror grime is the same on each mirror... might help to maybe break one of them, offset one or 2 slightly, just mix it up. And finally, you might consider beveling the convex corners of the walls to make it look a little less polygonal, and so that the light hits those corners well.
The grime in general; under the sinks, the ceiling etc, is very uniform. It would benefit from bigger, localized shapes so it doesn't look so CG. I feel like you could also push the tonal variation in the ceiling, maybe make those darker stains really pop out.
The specular levels and falloff is the same across the board. I would expect that porcelain would behave very different than cement, which would behave very different than tile. If you amp up those differences in spec, the scene will start to really sing
thanks for the crits Amadreaus taken some of them into account already, and trying to get the best out of all of them.
this is the result ive gotten so far. weakened the DOF, added a reflection vector to the tiles shader, changed the spec/spec power values, and gave a minor variation to the grime (still need to put some more varied though).
cnc is welcome
Also the sinks and toilets look a little too clean. Maybe grime them up some more or make what grime is there pop.
Also, can't tell from pictures, but you could have one of the fluorescent lights flicker a little bit. But can't remember whether something like that was there in SC: Conviction or not.
For fired ceramics like that, you really only need normals to define the edging and any major cracks or damage deformation. All the scuffs, scratches, and wear works better if you put it in the spec.
I've moved away from over-normaling all my surfaces like that lately, and I've been rediscovering just how powerful a good, detailed specular is in visually selling surface detail on smooth finishes, like metal, smooth concrete, and floor tiles.
I also think the urinals need more grime. I mean, they are where people wee after all..
got rid of the normals on the floor, variations on the decals, ceiling a bit less "white", DOF fixed.
later ill post some more images
cnc's welcome as always
Also why not just get rid of the DOF entirely? It's not doing anything to the scene except distracting the viewer and making their eyes hurt. DOF is supposed to be used artistically and deliberately to draw a viewer's attention to something, I have no idea what it is supposed to do here.
well im just trying to replicate the environment here, and thats what it is, a bathroom. theres not much more to be added i guess. in the game there's the interrogation sequence, other than that the scene is just what ive done here. i could make a second version, transforming it into some sort of crime scene, with blood, marks and do not cross stripes. gotta give it a thought at
as regards the DOF, i tried to replicate the peripheral vision effect, as if you were looking at the scene. indeed your eyes when concentrated into a point in a scene, tend to blur the surroundings.
i dont know, i might be completely off, and this might be going wrong... but thats what i thought of doing, replicating the scene (with some little modificiations obviously, couldnt do it 100% identical).
the porcelain shader is still to be worked indeed :P doesnt buy me either hahaha
the wash of light is what i thought would be some sort of lamp inside the WC, i thought putting them would be a good move (which later i discovered wasnt, as in the original scene there isnt any lamp in the WC's lol)... still have to remove it
about the miniature feeling, might be the DOF, which in a small, closed scene like this one gives an amplitude feeling that isnt supposed to be there. ill try and make some adjustments to that
tried to get rid of the miniature feeling, you guys tell me if its still on... the wash of light i figured it as nice to leave it on, what do you guys say?
open to any crits, and still trying to figure anything to use as a focus point... paintovers would be appreciated if possible hahahahah