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how much performance increase from modular environments?

polycounter lvl 7
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Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
Im wondering how big of an increase there is from modular environments and where it actually increases performance.

In my mind, logically, I feel it would only really help load times since the computer will load less unique geometry. But does it help framerates as well? To me it seems once its loaded it wouldnt really matter. There would still be a similar amount of geometry whether or not you work modularly.

Am i wrong?


  • WarrenM
    IMO, it's not really about performance improvements and more about work flow improvements for level designers. They can work a lot more creatively and quickly if they aren't dealing with a set of hero pieces.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Exactly 12.3 performance, no more no less.:poly124:

    In other words, question is too broad.
  • DEElekgolo
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    DEElekgolo interpolator
    It is pretty well depending on the scale of your scene.

    Look up "geometry instancing".
  • Weirdboy
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    Weirdboy polycounter lvl 5
    I'd imagine it has to do more with saving time, imagine if you had to model and texture each part of your environment uniquely, but I also imagine it has an effect on load times. Doesn't seem like it would affect framerates, since it's not decreasing the amount of stuff the display has to show.
  • Vailias
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    Vailias polycounter lvl 20
    From what I understand: the savings and boost depends on where your engine is bound. The memory sw it's are a definite, and instances objects can and do help draw rates as they can be more easily batched.
    If your engine is more bound by the gpu's fill rate then it may not help as much.
    I do know from some demos and just using 3ds max, that instancing ala modular building is a huge help.
    I have been able to have 15-20x the tris on screen with heavy instancing than with all unique geo while keeping a slow yet still useable framerate.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Vailias wrote: »
    From what I understand: the savings and boost depends on where your engine is bound. The memory sw it's are a definite, and instances objects can and do help draw rates as they can be more easily batched.
    If your engine is more bound by the gpu's fill rate then it may not help as much.
    I do know from some demos and just using 3ds max, that instancing ala modular building is a huge help.
    I have been able to have 15-20x the tris on screen with heavy instancing than with all unique geo while keeping a slow yet still useable framerate.

    And yet engines like UE 3 don't seem to instance meshes when you duplicate them (only in special cases like landscape foliage). Every discrete mesh is its own draw call.
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    There's a big difference between instancing and batch rendering.

    Worth mentioning: any time you change the scale of your object, it must create new mesh data for that object in nearly every engine (if not every engine)...

    SO if you're instancing objects, and changing the scale of every one of them, your memory savings will be minimal.

    If you're instancing geometry and sharing textures, you get a performance gain because the hardware doesn't have to do texture look-ups for the new textures in the materials (if i understand that correctly)

    LOTS of stuff to read on this topic if you want to fully understand it...

    Biggest gains will be had in production cost savings (as was mentioned before)... performance is such a case by case thing that you just have to keep watching it... instance a bunch of objects, look at the numbers, instance two objects a bunch of times, look at the numbers... until you get an idea of what's going on there.

    Just depends on too many things to be able to say... but I think 12.3 is about accurate.
  • Sandro
    As already mentioned, even if performance gains were minimal, modular approach is the only way to get large environments done quickly and keep it manageable, so that you can actually iterate and make changes without too much pain.
  • WarrenM
    Worth mentioning: any time you change the scale of your object, it must create new mesh data for that object in nearly every engine (if not every engine)...

    SO if you're instancing objects, and changing the scale of every one of them, your memory savings will be minimal.
    I don't believe that's true. Changing the scale of an object simply requires updating the local space matrix before doing the draw call. It certainly doesn't need to make a whole separate copy of the mesh for that.
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    If you are going to render 500 of the same mesh at different positions, rotations and scales then technically all you need is 1 mesh data in memory. That doesnt mean that is the best way to render the objects though. These days its generally much better to batch static meshes into compound meshes which can be rendered in 1 draw call instead of having to do texture/shader switches and transforms for every single model on screen. Even modern mobile devices have tons of memory so unique vertices in memory is usually not something to worry about if the environments arent huge or there is a good LOD system. Texture streaming is much more important.

    As far as loading time, mesh loading is usually a very small part of it. Texture and shader compiling along with any engine/game specific preprocessing have the biggest effect on loading, and a good streaming system will pretty much completely remove texture loading time from that.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    Xendance wrote: »
    And yet engines like UE 3 don't seem to instance meshes when you duplicate them (only in special cases like landscape foliage). Every discrete mesh is its own draw call.

    What makes you think that way?
  • Shuriken UK
    I think it probably increases performance, because like other people have said; when your using modular enviroments and other objects, it only has to load a handful of unique objects, which the level designer then places millions of carbon copies of, all over the map.

    All resulting in a pretty damn boring enviromnent, where every city, and every building within, and every interior within in each building looks exactly the same *clears throat* "Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, cough". Its a shame that people seem to have to make such a heavy trade off to maximise performance. Either that, or like other people have said, it makes for a quicker more "bish bash bosh" workflow, while sacrificing SO much originality and character between different areas of an enviroment.

    I think developers should still use modular enviroments, but they need to utilise it better, so we get less of "hey, how come everything looks so boring and identical", and more of "wow, everything looks so... I dont know, amazing. Each city has its own sense of character. I've only seen this building 3 times". I think its nothing out of the ordinary to create a big enviroment which has MINIMAL "copy & paste geometry". It just takes more TLC and creativity on the designers part. I mean, they did it with "San Andreas", and to an extent they did it with "Red Dead-Redemption" (cant remember if RD-Revolver was similar in that respect), and other older games I cant remember lol. Also, even from a console perspective its possible. Thanks to Blu-Ray, we can cram something like 40Gb into ONE disc. Lets not even get started on how that applies to PC gaming. If They started using Blu-Ray or better yet, a new type of DVD-drive friendly disc (lol?), they could fit over 4 DVD's worth of content (EG a huge sprawling, unique world, PACKED with thousands of lines of unique dialogue) into ONE disc. People would complain that they dont have 40GB to set aside for ONE game, but times have to move on, I remember when 1MB of RAM was a HUGE deal, back in the days of the Atari-ST, and you could pay like £40 for it. Now you spend £40 and get a thousand times more RAM. Its crazy! I think we're WELL overdue for the next MAJOR evolution in gaming technology.

    I understand that it would mean adding another 6 months, maybe even a year or more to the production time, which might not be an option if you have stringent time constraints, but if other developers can do it, then all of them should atleast TRY IMHO, because hyper-boring free-roam enviroments are ruining a genre (if you can call it a genre) that I love so much! I used to love exploring open world maps, to see what I can find, but when everything looks the same, whats the point? Might as well just play the story and be done with it, never straying off the main path.

    I only know a little about the technical side of the reasoning behind "modularitis", but surely theres a way to make a games environment look consistantly unique, without needing a goverment classified hpyer-computer to run it. I do understand why its not a good idea to make huge objects like buildings, one single mesh though, and the general theory behind the performance/graphics trade off problems.

    I love free roaming games, or what they used to be, or strive TO be, so I hope they one day manage to break free of this "modular disease". I know somebodies gonna come along one day with a new game engine with cutting edge technology, and its gonna blow EVERYTHING else out of the water. Its not gonna be the next engine from Crytek either, OR Epic. Its gonna be a newcomer with a big budget and a lot of ideas, or a similar pipe dream like that!

    Anyway, enough, I dont mean to rant like an old man HAHA!
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    thats what I was thinking. if its not really that big of a performance increase, then why do it as much as some people do. I understand that it can be quicker to build and what not, but like you said, I notice some people do it too much and it makes their environment look very redundant. It's definitely great for things like trees in a forest where you are just not going to notice it.

    Reusing the same textures is obviously important, but i think creatively using a different mesh to reuse the textures will be the way to go in most situations, especially buildings. Though a great way of doing it in a non redundant way is to break up walls/roofs into small modular pieces and create new buildings out of those, like legos. As long as we dont get the same looking object as a whole.

    I guess in the end theres the lazy man's modular building and then there is the creative and good way to do it where you dont make it so obvious, but I think that is going to usually entail using less of it.

    The main question is if you were to get a job as an environment artist, would people get mad at you for not using it enough because of performance. and yea, it sounds like its just a scene size dependency thing.
  • WarrenM
    Rendering speed is sort of a side issue ... modularity improves memory usage, texture usage, level designer work flow, iteration times, etc. It has TONS of benefits.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    I agree with warren. It's kinda too broad of a question. Even if you made it more specific and we could give you an answer, performance is not the biggest/only benefit.

    If you are getting a job, just learn to use modularity. Don't avoid it, embrace it. It is a system designed to help you save time, not just framerate and memory.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    d1ver wrote: »
    What makes you think that way?

    Duplicate static meshes in the editor and use "stat d3d9rhi" command. It'll show the amount of primitive draw calls per frame.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Shit, really? I had my suspicions. no one ever explained the criteria for proper instancing.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Computron wrote: »
    Shit, really? I had my suspicions. no one ever explained the criteria for proper instancing.

    still saving on texture space, and materials though, got multiple elements using the same material than you got those eleamtns duplicated all overh the place.
  • Wesley
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    the obvious benefit that has already been mentioned is memory. But it's worth repeating. Repeated geometry takes up far less memory.

    However there's other benefits: You can attach parameters to the individual transforms of the objects that help with defining the gameplay of the space. You can also have richer physics and interactivity overall if your engine draws separate objects. And the culling is easier to handle.

    You're not just making an environment. You're making a game. So your way of working has to help with the gameplay as well as just the way it looks.

    I can't think of many engines that draw the scene as one big mesh? I think I saw mention that halo was like this?
  • dr jekyll
    Wesley wrote: »

    That was an awesome link ( at least new to me )
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    sprunghunt wrote: »
    I can't think of many engines that draw the scene as one big mesh? I think I saw mention that halo was like this?

    Halo uses large, stitched BSP for big sections of the level. Like large brush strokes. things like terrain and buildings. That helps with visibility culling. They dont render everything as one draw call. They also use tons of instances to fill in the detail strokes. So not exactly.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    passerby wrote: »
    still saving on texture space, and materials though, got multiple elements using the same material than you got those eleamtns duplicated all overh the place.

    Let me see if I got this right. If I duplicate an identical mesh in UDK, when it renders it, even though it is the same textures and materials and mesh, it will still be another draw call? that mean the video card stalls until the CPU loads the next set of instructions, right? Why wouldn't It reuse the old instructions? Is this why epic suggests merging your instance meshes for mobile UDK games? What happens when a mesh uses a multi-sub object material?
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Computron wrote: »
    Let me see if I got this right. If I duplicate an identical mesh in UDK, when it renders it, even though it is the same textures and materials and mesh, it will still be another draw call? that mean the video card stalls until the CPU loads the next set of instructions, right? Why wouldn't It reuse the old instructions? Is this why epic suggests merging your instance meshes for mobile UDK games? What happens when a mesh uses a multi-sub object material?

    Multi sub materials, ie multiple material ID's in UDK are all their own draw call. So if you have a static mesh with three mat ID's, it's three draw calls.

    Here are some pics to illustrate it:
    Upper one has about 2k cubes with one material with a texture that has three different colours.
    Lower one is the same cube except the coloured faces are seperate material IDs (so three in total) and the colours are just constants assigned in the material editor.


    That was with my old core 2 duo e6700, I was getting severely cpu limited with over 2k draw calls.
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    I find it very hard to believe that unreal doesnt batch static meshes, although it probably doesnt bother doing it in edit mode.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    I find it very hard to believe that unreal doesnt batch static meshes, although it probably doesnt bother doing it in edit mode.

    Well only Epic programmers can answer that ;)
    Don't know if multithreaded rendering from newer directx API's help in the case of UE 3. Haven't tried.
  • Mark Dygert
    This might have been mentioned already but using modular chunks can also help with object culling. If you have a hallway built in segments, those pieces can be culled from the scene in stages instead of waiting until the whole hallway is out of view. Of course tracking a lot of objects can be a big drain too but its something to keep in mind when trying to balance out how much of what is on the screen at one time.

    With modular chunks you also have the added headache of seams so plot out your UV's carefully.

    One other thing to think about, is that working modularity you have the option of combining meshes and exporting larger chunks. So you get the added bonus of building in chunks but the final exported pieces don't necessarily need to be

    Also from what I understand its not so much of a performance boost as it saves on texture space, final foot print and shader complexity. Of course it all depends on how the game is built, and how the pieces are used...
  • WarrenM
    I find it very hard to believe that unreal doesnt batch static meshes, although it probably doesnt bother doing it in edit mode.

    I don't know the exact answer but it's actually pretty tricky. Someone mentioned culling, which would be negated by batching together meshes like that. You also have problems with dynamic lights. If you batch a ton of meshes together and there's a dynamic light hitting one corner of one of them, you'll be rendering that huge batched mesh multiple times which might undo any of the gains that the batching got you.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    I don't know the exact answer but it's actually pretty tricky. Someone mentioned culling, which would be negated by batching together meshes like that. You also have problems with dynamic lights. If you batch a ton of meshes together and there's a dynamic light hitting one corner of one of them, you'll be rendering that huge batched mesh multiple times which might undo any of the gains that the batching got you.

    Though now UE 3 has deferred rendering in DX 11 mode, which should help with the dynamic light redrawing (or rather make it unnecessary). Though only when there are no shadows being casted from the light afaik.

    But anyway, that's for DX 11 only with that specific engine :)
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Lightmaps will also be different between most meshes, so you cant batch those together.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Good point Xoliul.

    On another note, why is deffered limited to DX11 in UDK? it seems like a lot of features that I have seen work in DX 9 (and even DX10, what happened there?) are now being limited to DX11. for example, Crysis 2 introduced POM as a DX11 only feature, but crysis 1 had it in dx9/10, although I suspect this has something to do with their transition into fully deffered shading.
  • dpadam450
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    dpadam450 polycounter lvl 12
    Lightmaps will also be different between most meshes, so you cant batch those together.

    There is basically no speed differences. When talking about modular pieces such as a building, you will not have 1,000 of the same piece. So drawing 10 separate modular pieces, vs grouping them together will not really change anything. The reason to make modular stuff is 80% dev time / ease for designers and maybe in certain cases (mainly consoles) 20% to save some memory. Also most man made things are just modular. You mass produce metals,buildings, etc, which means lots of repitition.

    In respects to batching and instancing, you don't want to draw stuff you cant see. The more you batch, the bigger the object gets. So by batching and not doing separate draw calls, you are basically saying, "I will always draw ALL of these, as long as I can only see 1 of them." Like batching trees, do you batch the whole forest and say "Draw all or none of it" or do you say "Draw a few trees I can see, draw low poly versions of trees far away, and draw NONE of the trees I don't even see". So UE3 can't just batch ALL static meshes, they would have to figure out what to batch, or let it up to the artists/designers.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Why are objects not batched and rendered after you perform all the culling?
  • commander_keen
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    commander_keen polycounter lvl 18
    Well any batching implementation will batch meshes close together in a certain cell size. A good lightmap generator will also put all objects that are close together on the same page so thats not really an issue.
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