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obj to zbrush doesn't work?

obj to zbrush doesn't work?

saved my sword model and exported to obj and now zbrush 4 doesn't see it when i'm in that folder trying to open it.

do i need some kind of plugin for Z?

Thank you


  • WarrenM
    I promise that obj to zbrush works.

    Are you using the "import" button on the tool palette?
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    Which dialogue are you using? One will be looking for .ztl files only, import will be looking for other files such as .obj

    No plugins necessary
  • n88tr
    document open looks for zbr files
    document import looks for image files
    file open is the same as document open

  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    File looks for project files. Documents are for the 2.5d document.
    For models (tools) use:
    Tool >> Import
  • WarrenM
    Use the import button on the Tool palette. I'm not kidding, it will work.
  • HAWK12HT
    Offline / Send Message
    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    umm have you watched 1 to 30 Movies on offical Zbrush site man? I assume u have not otherwise you would know m8. Go check em and enjoy.
  • n88tr
    it was under tools. new question though;

    so I'm watching this

    and reading this
    I get into draw mode but then I can't get back into edit mode. My T key doesn't switch modes and Q does nothing.
    I'm confused how should i switch from editing to drawing mode??
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    I get into draw mode but then I can't get back into edit mode.
    The draw mode is different from Edit Object, most of the time you'll probably want both on.

    You can only edit an object when it is the most recent thing added to the document. Once you drop it to the canvas, it changes from a 3d polymesh into 2.5D pixols. To get back into edit mode, clear the document (ctrl+N), redraw the object, and renter edit mode.

    Edit: You should probably start in the Documentation folder, and give the 'Getting Started' guide a quick read. Everything is explained there and should give you a good indication of what tools are, what edit mode is doing, etc.
  • n88tr
    i don't get why it's screwy like that. i have to erase the canvas and redraw it.
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    The guide will explain everything.
  • WarrenM
    ZBrush is confusing as hell until it clicks. Give it time, trust me. Watch videos, soak up info, take it slow. It'll come.
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    Yea i agree tooo, its frustrating to not b able to select what u doing with a click like other 3d apps. But than Zbrush is like (imo) between Photoshop and 3D hence 2.5D and full 3D lol. You working on stuff at a time. For example (correct me if me wrong as I am learning too but this is what i understand) you have a character with props, you have to work on each prop as separate than append them onto ur character with sub d tool.
  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    basically ...
    The 3d objects (tools) are analogous to custom brushes in photoshop
    The document is the same deal as your document in photoshop
    The project - I haven't a clue, probably only matters if you're using the document

    a tool can be made of lots of subtools which is i think what HAWK12HT is talking about
  • HAWK12HT
    Offline / Send Message
    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    yeah correction "subtools" not sub d tool lol. My bad
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    its frustrating to not b able to select what u doing with a click like other 3d apps.
    Alt+Click lets you select the subtool you want to work on. N will also open a temp menu to let you pick as well without having to scroll through the standard subtool list.

    You can append all your subtools together from the start in order to keep everything visually together. If there were multiple meshes that you'd want/need to edit at the same time, I'd keep them merged as a single tool for the lower subdivision levels (you can use polygroups to help separate and manage them instead). Once the form and pose is more or less final and you're down to detailing, then I would separate them into their own subtools. This way you wont have to waste polygons subdividing an object that may not need the same number of levels as another object, and it also lets you work with more polygons throughout the entire tool in general (if your system can only handle 8 million polygons, then by using 4 subtools your model can be composed of 32 million polygons)
    The project - I haven't a clue, probably only matters if you're using the document

    The document is the 2.5D Canvas, Tools are anything that provide a method for adding pixols to it or modifying existing pixols. Projects are a bit of a combination that will save document, every loaded tool and their subtools (which can make the file size much larger as a result), the current position of a tool, all maps assigned to a tool, the timeline, as well as perspective and floor settings.
  • n88tr
    giving it another go, learning
    everything sucks in the beginning i know
  • WarrenM
    ZBrush is especially tough because they've pretty much ignored every standard there is to ignore. The only way out is through, so keep watching. :)
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