I wanted to work on my texturing and lighting (my weakest skillsets), so after watching some Harry Potter films, I decided to use the Hogwarts castle's great hall as a piece to do so. As an interior with large windows to the outside, I think it's a great set to experiment with different lighting and moods. It's kind of mute as far as a variety of textures goes but that should make it a little easier to focus on a few at a time. Here's an image from the movies of the great hall:
[Edit] The human figure on the left is an adult scale, and the figure on the right is a child scale.
Here's a quick update on a window detail and how I started it. I wont update for a few days since I'll be out of town.
I was able to get it down to these 3 assets
If anyone wonders why this is taking me so long to do, I'm swamped at work haha...
Word. A lot of that detail ribbing and what not needs to be baked down into a normal map. 4k is huge for a repeated architectural detail that isn't right up in the player's grill.
vvv Good point.
However, I will be a little more conscious about my polycounts though now that you point this out, thanks for the feedback!
The bit about going higher poly first and scaling back if needed is valid, and something I should take note of, though.
Construction-wise, I'm having a hard time seeing the curved arch pieces as wood... I think curved arches in that gothic style were mostly stone with straight wooden rafter pieces, but I'm possibly poorly remembering my art history lectures.
And you might be right about the wood. I thought it was wood from the ref but now that you mention it, it does look like stone too.
After a quick google I found this real building which seems to be what I'm going for: http://www.riat.org/images/cotswolds/cotswolds1/2005-05-18%20011.jpg
So I think I'm going to stick with wood for this case. Thanks again for the feedback!
Also did a different version of the top windows in this side windows.
Just a few more minor things to model low poly before I start texturing and making the high poly statues and such.