Hey everyone!
My company,
Sky Parlor Studios, just recently released a mobile app called Fire and Dice for both Android and iOS. Since release we've been making several updates and still have more on the way. We love what we've created and we are constantly working on trying to make it better and more enjoyable. Our team and all our friends find it pretty addicting


Fire and Dice is a game where you roll dice to gain resources to use to save Sparksville from fire. Those resources are either Water (to put out the fire), Gas (to move), Ladders (to save people), and Firetrucks (roll 3 and get another truck!). It currently is setup to never end; however, future updates may change/add to this.
I did not personally work on this project. Most of the artwork was done by CJ Boger
So yea, take a look at some of the city blocks for it!

We would LOVE to get feedback and critique so we can address issues/suggestions for future updates, so please let me know. As said we are a brand new studio and trying to establish stability for the future. We really want to nail a solid product and want to make this as fun as possible! So if you like it; tell your friends

FREE versions
Android download linkiPhone download link
$1.99 version
Android download linkiPhone download link
haha, yea I suppose so. At the same time, if the person suffered burns but the fire is out, they probably still need help
So the latest update is already out for Android, the update for iOS was sent away but hasn't been approved yet; menu was revamped and some new features were implemented, such as keys to city (you buy them and it allows you to unlock already locked dice). Hopefully it'll be up soon!