...rising steam/smoke in UDK and am stumped on how to go about making it. It's rising from a grate in the floor lightly, as in you can see through it, similar to this image and would like to hear how others might approach this.
In the generic browser click on UDKGame and search for "P_UDK_Waterfall_mist"
This is pretty similar to rising steam/smoke and you can see how they did it.
It goes over making a smoke particle, but it's in-depth enough to teach the flexibility of the method.
In the generic browser click on UDKGame and search for "P_UDK_Waterfall_mist"
This is pretty similar to rising steam/smoke and you can see how they did it.
I'll try to remember this the next time I'm looking for something UDK related, didn't notice the extra section above this one...
@ Butthair & elmentrix
Thanks a bunch for the ideas and references! Starting to get a better feel for what I want/ need now