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Ipad 2 for sketching ?

polycounter lvl 9
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jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
Hi guys,

I have recently started to paint more concept art and are thinking about bying a Ipad 2 to use for sketching. Anyone have any experince how good ipad2 works for this ?

also what program should i go for ?

Thanks alot.


  • Futzy
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    Something like a [ame="http://www.amazon.com/ThinkPad-Tablet-1838-Android-32GB/dp/B005F0I8GI/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1323050917&sr=1-1"]Thinkpad[/ame] would be much better, with it's pressure sensitive stylus.

    Autodesk offer's sketchbook on both android and iOS. Adobe offers a product line for both as well but none of them are that great for drawing.
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I think you'll find the whole thing very lacking if you prefer to work in a precise controlled manner - for looser, impressionistic painting you should be alright given time. Lois van Baarle manages little sketches just fine on an iphone and she's fricking awesome.

    autodesk sketchbook (whatever edition) is pretty good, it's perfectly usable on my galaxy s2 and will definitely work better on ipad sized screens (pretty sure its available on iOs)

    I think colors is available on iOs as well - i fricking love it on the DS so it's almost certainly going to be awesome

    personally I'd buy something with a stylus - pressure sensitivity isn't essential in a mobile sketching tool (it'll be like working in biro) but being able to make a mark exactly where you intend to is.


    right - having looked at the thinkpad specs I'm starting to question whether i really need those two new tyres for the car or whether I can drive another couple of thousand miles on virtually bald p-zeros...
  • gilesruscoe
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    thanks alot guys,

    Bying a thinkpad is out of the question. I am a Apple lover and know for sure that if apple cant do it right than other companys cant either. Maybe Thinkpad i much better on the sensetivity but i can garantee that the other parts of it sucks.

    I wonder what ipad 3 will look like? , hopefully they will make it like a wacom tablet, that whould rule !

    Again thanks !
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Samsung did it right with their Slate 7 Series:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F62BrJCUt2k"]Get to know the Samsung SLATE PC SERIES 7 - YouTube[/ame]

    Have one. From all the plusses, i can only find one complain, no keyboard. But I bought a separate keyboard so I'm good with it.

    But since u got an ipad, I don't think u are wanting to purchase something else. Specially that this Samsung is around $1000
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    you're missing the point - the problem with the ipad in this context is that there's no proper stylus and drawing with your finger is shit (hence the invention of things like pencils and paintbrushes).

    if you want a proper setup I think there's still a company that'll glue a wacom to the top of a macbook for somewhere around the price of a big cintiq
  • Futzy
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    jimpaw wrote: »
    thanks alot guys,

    Bying a thinkpad is out of the question. I am a Apple lover and know for sure that if apple cant do it right than other companys cant either. Maybe Thinkpad i much better on the sensetivity but i can garantee that the other parts of it sucks.

    I wonder what ipad 3 will look like? , hopefully they will make it like a wacom tablet, that whould rule !

    Again thanks !
    Not sure if you're getting what the thinkpad does. It uses N-Trig tech similar to wacom's tablet tech. If you get an apple device for drawing you'll only be have the capacitive screen. Sure it'll work but you'll basically still be drawing with a finger on a stick if you use a stylus on an ipad. So you have to consider beyond your predisposition and look at whether you're actually going to be getting what you need your expensive hardware to do. If you've got the money to just straight out buy an iPad, just get an Asus or Samsung windows slate with actual wacom tech in it.

    I've had my thinkpad for about a week, so ask if you have any questions.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    poopipe wrote: »
    you're missing the point - the problem with the ipad in this context is that there's no proper stylus and drawing with your finger is shit (hence the invention of things like pencils and paintbrushes).

    if you want a proper setup I think there's still a company that'll glue a wacom to the top of a macbook for somewhere around the price of a big cintiq

    I am not missing the point, as i wrote before i am sure the painting part is fantastic, i am just sure i wont like the other stuff like interface/ apps user friendlyness compared to ipad. Since lot of you here have recommended it i will go to a store next week and have a look at it. I just dont want to by something this expensive ONLY for the painting part. Thanks for your answer.
  • jogshy
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    jogshy polycounter lvl 17
    Get a Wacom :p
    And the best tablet your money can buy actually is the Asus eePad Transformer Prime with Tegra 3 and the Android 4 OS patch update ... or wait for the iPad 3 this Feb 24.
  • MadnessImport
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    jogshy wrote: »
    Get a Wacom :p
    And the best tablet your money can buy actually is the Asus eePad Transformer Prime with Tegra 3 and the Android 4 OS patch update :p

    I was debating with myself about Making a thread ASKING if the Eee pad transformer prime was worth getting

    A multi purpose tool with such specs for a fair price? HELL YEA

    Im sold
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    ipad for sketching concept art sucks balls man. i don't think i need to elaborate further on this.

    edit: but i will. i used an app called Brushes and one of those capacitive stylus peripherals, and while laying down large blocks of shape works nice, once you try getting into any sort of detail, you can't because of the lack of precision. if you're looking for tools to develop your concept art skills on the go, sketchbook and pencil trumps any mobile setup. but, midway through this thread, you mention you're getting an ipad for reasons other than sketching as well, which makes me think you're dead set on buying an ipad anyway?
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Snowfly wrote: »
    ipad for sketching concept art sucks balls man. i don't think i need to elaborate further on this.

    edit: but i will. i used an app called Brushes and one of those capacitive stylus peripherals, and while laying down large blocks of shape works nice, once you try getting into any sort of detail, you can't because of the lack of precision. if you're looking for tools to develop your concept art skills on the go, sketchbook and pencil trumps any mobile setup. but, midway through this thread, you mention you're getting an ipad for reasons other than sketching as well, which makes me think you're dead set on buying an ipad anyway?

    You are actually right. I do want an ipad 3 when it comes, i just love apples products, they are are so good overall. However i could consider bying something else ONLY for sketching if the pricing is right. I think this one for example sounds good, you can get them on Amazon for under 200 USD. They look like crap but the painting seems to be really good.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrA9UvZtRFA"]Motion Computing LS800 vs Apple Ipad (as an art/sketching slate on the go) - YouTube[/ame]

    I really hope ipad 3 has pressure control like a wacom, man that whould just make it the ultimate machine in my eyes.

    Thanks for the answer.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    my two favourite art apps on ipad are procreate and sketch club. They both have nice brush engines, procreate's is more in-depth customisable for painting and smudging, sketch club feels nice for.. sketching (and pixel art btw, better imo than the dedicated pixel art apps- for my purposes at least. it requires a little workaround but it's still good)
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