(Edit: sorry for wall of text..kinda solved my problem in a way by using various other filters...i'll still like to know what is the "most efficient" filter type for 3ds max's renderer tho)
i know this is a seriously minor and extremely retarded question but....does anyone know why my RTT causes these minor pixel artifacts....i decided to do a really generic and plain walkway just to tinker around and i realized that i cant seem to bake out a ao or normal without these minor little artifacts...my general render setup is skylight with lightracer using SSE/global sampler/catmull-rom filter/ no image,motion blur....i also tried disabling filter maps due to the wiki saying that but i still get these darn buggers.....would be nice to know how to fix this little annoyance w/o manual cleaning
(P.S...forgive meh if this kinda question has been asked a thousand times in the forums...i tried searching and cant seem to find a thread like this >.<)
I'm going about it the same way you have and so far nothing I've tried works.
Would be incredibly thankful to resolve this issue.
wow that actually solves the weird pixel artifacts for catmull-rom rendering....thx .....would be nice if someone could explain whats going on