Dear US citizens of Polycount,
I made this a few hours ago, so naturally it doesn't have any petitioners yet. A little self promotion never hurt anyone, right? Anyway, don't you love those Kinder eggs? You know the Kinder Surprise eggs with a toy inside? Those are illegal in the US for trade and sale, and you can be fined up to $300 if you bought one in, say, Canada and tried to take it past the border.
So I made a petition to try to combat this ridiculous law, and I'd like some signatures. It actually cannot become public until it has at least 150 signatures, so you guys will be the first. If you don't already have a account, you should make one. They don't spam you, it's nice.
Here's the link:
Here's the copypasta'd text:
The chocolate sweet "Kinder Surprise," popular among children in many foreign countries, has been illegal in the United States since the Ferrero Group's application was turned down due to an inedible food ban in 1993.[1] This ban of Kinder eggs is ridiculous, especially when noting that Kinder Surprise eggs have numerous warnings of inedible objects and state clearly on the packaging that an inedible item lies inside. A very fair warning. This product is only deadly to those who disregard packaging labels and wish to swallow the egg whole. Ban of Kinder eggs also wastes time and money of the CBP (Customs and Border Protection).
I propose lifting the ban on trade and sale of these Kinder Surprise eggs and any similar food with fair warnings.
Exactly 800 characters, even included a source! Anyway, I'd love if you signed. Thank you!
I'm sorry I'm not american, I would've loved to help out.
Though who over the age of 9 even gets kinda surprises. They'd have to start putting worthwhile in them like £5 to every 1/100 eggs.
I wish you luck either way lol.
Good luck though!
I would say have something as "Plastic" covered in chocolate, where it seems everyone else of the world enjoys and hasn't had issue with them is the last thing you need to be worried about in the US.
lol wat
Won't somebody please think of the Kinder!?
I wish I was kidding.
But I'm a grown up! I can cover myself in chocolate and roll in my kitchen floor if I like, with eggs under me. So yeah, fuck children!
Besides, couldn't they stick the Choco-Egg and the Present side by side instead of inside?
Kinder chocolate offends me with it's lack of cocoa and general sickly sweetness. You Yanks would be better off coming up with some superior form of chocolate coated toy.
and here comes the politician himself.
Yes, Chocolate coated eggs with an shell that has a toy inside of them. The only reason I can think of them being illegal in USA is
they dont want kids to put up with hard labor to assemble the toy. <.<
and / or
like people said here, the last thing they need is for kids to have more chocolate...
This thread is going to be fun. (Canadian here)
But, you are in Canada, you can do that in public too you know that?
Besides, the toy-packages inside makes for great baking-soda bombs.
hmm...maybe thats why they are illegal. xD
That would require parents to.supervise and.spend time.with their.kid. maybe even be personally responsible. Absolutely unacceptable.
I wish, last time I tried that, I was arrested. Something about being hairy and my genitalia looking like a shaved mole, while being covered in chocolate made women and children uncomfortable.
You didnt say anything about being nude......Good God Ace. xD
Our tax dollars hard at work!
Really, survival of the fittest, these days is more about survival of the ignorant and stupid. If you are so stupid to try to put a whole kinder egg in your mouth, you deserve to choke on it and improve the human race.
As someone once said, we need to remove all warning labels, so we can teach people to think and those who don't, well, nice furnal, lets get another beer.
nope, i find it a good law too! I also would like to see peas on that banned foods list since so many children stick them up their nose.
There's gotta be a 'don't drop the soap' joke in there somewhere.
Why stop at peas? Lets just have the law say "anything that can be stuck up the nose".
The problem I have with the ban of the kinderegg is that it's due to the law of not having toys inside candy, and I can see the issue with having some stealth-toysoldier suddenly stick his bayonet up my or some childs mouth.
However, the kinderegg is pretty blatant about what it is, heavily advertised as having a toy in it, protected in a hard to crack plastic container beneath a thin chocolate egg cover, probably also following some harsh European rules on how it is shaped.
There hasn't been any mass deaths here due to kindereggs, but has been something quite joyful even if materialistic for kids.
The law is against non-edibles being inside food.
if you put non-edibles inside food that are worth a lot of money e.g. COCAINE, then its kinda impossible for it to show on scans. The food and drugs look like one big lump.
SO they are essentially saying "look we can't have any food with stuff in it, because its just a drug gateway"
I personally think its a fair request.
How many eggs are you planning on bringing ? if you're standing there with dozens of those chocolate eggs they'll probably think you have the munchies anyway.
On a larger scale this could be a problem but then again there are probably millions of other ways to do so.
Banning Kinder eggs cause they are concealable? I've NEVER heard of Kinder Eggs being used to smuggle coke in countries where its legal...
...can dogs not sniff coke out if its covered in 2mm of chocolate?
yeah, dempolies is just theorizing. It's simply an across the board ban on IMPORTING food with non-edibles inside them.
Ah, America.
[ame=""]Chocolate Nesting Doll with a Kinder Surprise "Russian Matreshka" 16 Pcs. 560 G/20 Oz: Grocery & Gourmet Food[/ame]
Also, I like the kinder egg chocolate. If someone made a factory here in states, it wouldn't be long to the taste was ruined.
Yes. I'm saying it. US sucks at chocolate.
In anycase, I can't eat milk based products anymore so its all moot for me.
Yeah, true on that, when I was a kid, I had a whole box with kinder toys, and they were almost always something you had to put together. These days its just small figures and crap, not really that cool. I remembered once I got a something, where you actually used the yellow shell as part of the toy.
Oh I wish I had saved those, could have been collectors items by now. Ah well, at least I still got my LEGO somewhere and my old Amstrad.