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Hover-Tank W.I.P

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loneraver triangle
Hey guys! Almost done modeling this game-model tank, so i thought I would share and get some feedback before starting my UV's :)



  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Hey, looking good. There's a couple areas you should adjust to avoid potential problems. Here's my feedback.

    1. The lower part of the body right in front of the belly, it seems you have a vert pulled back, causing unwanted faceting. You may want to break that up with tri's or adjust the side verts so that the faces are more planar.

    2. The bevels around the front nose, and the engine intakes are very thin, you may want to beef it up and also pull back the outer edges as theyre are folding over forward a little bit.

    3. Again, watch for faceting, I see some more faceting issues around the intakes and right behind the nose.
  • ayoub44
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    ayoub44 polycounter lvl 10
    Look good soo far , you would working on smoothing group for this one :) .. just for getting nice and smooth shapes :) goood luck
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    cool man, not sure what style you want to go for for texturing but the model style seems to be very reminiscent of battlefield 2142, especially the hover pads part of it. maybe check out some of their stuff for inspiration in texturing.

  • loneraver
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    loneraver triangle
    Kaburan - Good call! I think I got the faceting issues out of the way. And making the bevels larger helped make it feel heavier.

    ayoub44 - I haven't gotten to the smoothing groups yet, but i agree that it will make a big difference.

    Macattackk - I was a HUGE BF: 2142 fan! I'm probably going to go with something close to that. I just have to make the color scheme two (or maybe three) tone so the main armor color can change colors depending on the faction.

    Here's are some update shots with a reworked back end.
  • loneraver
    Offline / Send Message
    loneraver triangle
    Kaburan - Good call! I think I got the faceting issues out of the way. And making the bevels larger helped make it feel heavier.

    ayoub44 - I haven't gotten to the smoothing groups yet, but i agree that it will make a big difference.

    Macattackk - I was a HUGE BF: 2142 fan! I'm probably going to go with something close to that. I just have to make the color scheme two (or maybe three) tone so the main armor color can change colors depending on the faction.

    Here's are some update shots with a reworked back end.

    Sorry about the double post!
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