As u see is a heavily snow covered tree so yo nit just use the texture wotg white spray or a shader how would u go for it ? Model in z brush ? But then how to keep the texture needles etc?
What isthat ? Also i actually didnt think of it as hero but make a geavy sniw civered tree forest but i am interested in both ways actually ... But i didn 't understand ur sugestion about vectors?
Hat is very nice but how to use it ? For what engine is it for ? I usually play with cryengine that has a similar effect but so far much less tweackable ... Would be cool to be able to use this tough especially for the blend ... But would be possible to generate a secondary heightmap foom the covered by snow portions and inflate them with a new heightmap and some smoithed noise? To give more 3dimensiinality to the snow ... May be with tessellation... Anyway this video altough interesting dont help with my tree as it has lot of snow and very much altering the shape of the branches.... How would be the best way to model it keeping tge needles transparent areas and snow? May be the same approach used to make furry creatures? 3d modeled snow ... Non alpha and closed mesh with terminations at the borders of alpha planes with the needles and may be some snow texture ? I am not really sure how to approach this as i see no one did be4 and i want to make a sort of alaskan forest with high snow....
If generic, just do some up vector/wind vector math for a automated blend.
[ame=""]Rock and Snow Up Vector Blending Demo Part 1 (UDK) - YouTube[/ame]