K thanks is there any workflow to possibly rebuild tge higgh poly? Possible to turn normals into a displacement map anduse so to reconstruct the details ?
Well that's just the thing, normal maps don't contain depth information so I don't think they've be able to provide any useful information towards creating an accurate displacement map.
I think xnormal or NDO2 comes with a photoshop filter for generating a height map from a normal map. it won't be correct and quality will definitely suffer but might start you on the road to recovery
You lost your high poly? Is english not your native language? I'm having trouble understanding you in most of your posts at times. If you had a high poly you should have a working backup somewhere right?.. It'd be better to work from a previous state then trying to recover via normal maps.
Yeah alot of spelling mistakes, sometimes can't make out the word. Do you have a smartphone? Get one with good auto correct, if you have android, swiftkey x is great.
Ha ha sory i ' m typing from iphone not sure if it has autocorrect function ... Anyway my point was to get a low poly model bring in zbrush and add new details but dince the model itself has already a nirmal i would need to resculpt it all in zbrush in order to add that tiny details ... I was just thinking to make a skyrim model mod by adding some ropes and stuff over the skin of a mammooth ^^ ... that was for some simple basic modding ...