so what i have here is a shader ive set up to use a gradient mask, mixed with a heightmap. i want to be able to control the height at with im blending the snow on the mesh, but since i have repeating textures, it repeats every UV section. is there a way to get this so i can effect the entire object (if possible without adding an additional UV channel).
heres what ive got
There is a Function called "World Aligned Texture" which should be what you're looking for.
how would i use world position to do this. here is the bit of my shader that im working with, if it helps.
this is being plugged into the alpha of a lerp between the brick and snow textures.
the offscreen connections are just heightmaps going into the subtract and multiply nodes, and the alpha of the lerp here is just a vertex blend.
Like.. Think of the world grid AS uv's a d your model being placed and moved around in them.
I'll give a more thorough answer later, but see if that analogy helps.